KDE Plasma 6

2021年12月21日—Update202307TheworkforHDRsupportonLinuxisongoinganditlookslikeitwilltakesomemoreyearstillwecanenjoyitaccordingto ...,LuminanceHDRisanapplicationfortakingasetofpicturesofthesamescenewithdifferentexposuresettingsandcreatingahighdynam...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Is there HDR monitor support in Ubuntu

2021年12月21日 — Update 2023 07 The work for HDR support on Linux is ongoing and it looks like it will take some more years till we can enjoy it according to ...

在Linux 上安裝Luminance HDR

Luminance HDR is an application for taking a set of pictures of the same scene with different exposure settings and creating a high dynamic range (HDR) ...

State of HDR on Linux early 2024 (previously late 2020 ...

2020年10月13日 — State of HDR on Linux early 2024 (previously late 2020, early 2021, mid 2022, early 2023) · Operating Systems & Open Source Linux · linux, news.

4k HDR on linux?

2021年5月30日 — Has anyone managed to play HDR content on linux? I have seen some recent posts that say something to the effect of, linux doesn't support HDR.

A complete workflow for HDR imaging

If you intend to make a package for a GNU/Linux distribution, please refer to the same file for more information. The code is in part based on the existing open ...

Linux Developers To Meet Again To Work On HDR, Color ...

2024年2月18日 — Another Linux display hackfest has been announced for this year so upstream stakeholders can collaborate around high dynamic range (HDR) monitor ...

[閒聊] Linux HDR 真的來了! - 看板Linux

2023年12月20日 — 前陣子聽說Plasma 6 已經支援部分HDR, 但是他們也說只有部分支援,所以別肖想看HDR 影片, 但今天在Reddit 上面問了別人有沒有辦法用MPV 達成, ...

HDR monitors on Linux (& in general)

2023年7月27日 — First of all, I know there's a lot of work to be done on HDR but I just want to understand some things about HDR in general and also how it ...

Any news on HDR on Linux?

2023年8月19日 — Is there any news on HDR on Linux? (I did read something a while back, on valve trying to add hdr support to proton?) As much as I want to, I ...


2021年12月21日—Update202307TheworkforHDRsupportonLinuxisongoinganditlookslikeitwilltakesomemoreyearstillwecanenjoyitaccordingto ...,LuminanceHDRisanapplicationfortakingasetofpicturesofthesamescenewithdifferentexposuresettingsandcreatingahighdynamicrange(HDR) ...,2020年10月13日—StateofHDRonLinuxearly2024(previouslylate2020,early2021,mid2022,early2023)·OperatingSystems&OpenSourceLinux·linux,...