Launch Any App With One Keyboard Shortcut

2019年4月14日—Ifyouareusinganon-Applekeyboard,gotoSystemPreferences→Keyboard→Shortcuts→Launchpad&Dockandselectthecheckboxnextto ...,2022年3月5日—GotoSystemPreferences>Keyboard>Shortcutsandselect“Launchpad&Dock”.Clickonceon“ShowLaunchpad”andpressE...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2019年4月14日 — If you are using a non-Apple keyboard, go to System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts → Launchpad & Dock and select the checkbox next to ...

macos - Keyboard Shortcut for Launchpad?

2022年3月5日 — Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and select “Launchpad & Dock”. Click once on “Show Launchpad” and press Enter.

Use Launchpad to view and open apps on Mac

Or look on another page in Launchpad — swipe left or right on the trackpad or press Command-Left Arrow or Command-Right Arrow. Games you download from the App ...

8 Easy Ways to Access Launchpad on Mac

2023年2月17日 — Just press the F4 key on your Mac and it will open the Launchpad on your Mac. ... Access Launchpad by Keyboard Shortcut on Mac. 7. Finder. If you ...

5 ways to launch Mac apps from the keyboard

2016年8月16日 — Press the Spotlight keyboard shortcut (by default this is Command-Space) and type the first couple of letters of an app's name. For example, if ...

The shortcut for launchpad?

2022年12月30日 — You can set the function key of your choice to the Launchpad shortcut in the System Settings app. Upvote


2019年4月14日—Ifyouareusinganon-Applekeyboard,gotoSystemPreferences→Keyboard→Shortcuts→Launchpad&Dockandselectthecheckboxnextto ...,2022年3月5日—GotoSystemPreferences>Keyboard>Shortcutsandselect“Launchpad&Dock”.Clickonceon“ShowLaunchpad”andpressEnter.,OrlookonanotherpageinLaunchpad—swipeleftorrightonthetrackpadorpressCommand-LeftArroworCommand-RightArrow.GamesyoudownloadfromtheAp...