
NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop x64 ( 64bit )

We have NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop updated to version 8.5 with support for CS4, CS5 and x64 platforms ( that's it, plug-in will work in 64bit versions ...

Nvidia Tool for Photoshop CC - Adobe Community

I found a way to get Nvidia tools working. If you have a version of CS6 or CS5, install the tool for that version of photoshop.

NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter

The NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter allows users to create highly compressed texture files that stay small both on disk and in memory - directly from image ...

NVIDIA Texture Tools 3

NVTT 3 can be used to compress textures to and from block-compressed formats including BC1-7 and LDR ASTC, which stay small both on disk and in GPU memory.

NVIDIA Texture Tools

Create block-compressed textures and write custom asset pipelines using NVTT 3, an SDK for CUDA-accelerated texture compression and image processing.

NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop X64 can't be downloaded

I had to build a new computer and by the way, reinstall my Adobe Photoshop and the NVIDIA Texture Tools. The problem is that the 64 bits ...

Building x64 Nvidia texture tools 2.0.8 with VS2013

I'm trying to build a 64bit version of the Nvidia texture tools 2.0.8 using VS2013. I have added entry NVTT_SHARED=1 to the Cmake file and I'm ...

Nvidia Texture Tools Exporter will not install in Photoshop CC 2020

One of the best solutions is to set the install folder to the Photoshop Plug-ins folder on the Choose Install Location screen.              

Download Nvidia's free Texture Tools Exporter 2020.1

Texture Tools Exporter 2020.1 is available as a free standalone application for 64-bit Windows 7+ and as a free plugin for Photoshop CC ...

NVIDIA Texture Tools -- A Shockingly Powerful Free Tool!

Today NVIDIA have announced a new release of their free Texture Tools. Used to compress textures in a multitude of different formats, ...


WehaveNVIDIAPlug-insforAdobePhotoshopupdatedtoversion8.5withsupportforCS4,CS5andx64platforms(that'sit,plug-inwillworkin64bitversions ...,IfoundawaytogetNvidiatoolsworking.IfyouhaveaversionofCS6orCS5,installthetoolforthatversionofphotoshop.,TheNVIDIATextureToolsExporterallowsuserstocreatehighlycompressedtexturefilesthatstaysmallbothondiskandinmemory-directlyfromimage ...,NVTT3canbeusedtocompres...
