
2023年4月7日—DoyouhaveanyevidencefromtheJSfileitselfthatit'sbeencorruptedinsomeway?Thislookslikeafalsepositiveinyourvirusscan,but ...,Nemucodisatrojandownloaderordropperforransomwareandothermalware.ItspreadsviamaliciousJavaScriptandPHPfilesoremai...

JSNemucod threat description

2015年3月29日—Payload·CheckforanInternetconnection·Downloadandrunfiles(includingupdatesorothermalware)·Reportanewinfectiontoitsauthor ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Windows detect Virus TrojanDownloader

2023年4月7日 — Do you have any evidence from the JS file itself that it's been corrupted in some way? This looks like a false positive in your virus scan, but ...

Nemucod, (JS.Nemucod) threat description

Nemucod is a trojan downloader or dropper for ransomware and other malware. It spreads via malicious JavaScript and PHP files or email attachments.

Utilizing Trend Micro Products for JS_NEMUCOD mitigation

Trojan NEMUCOD is a downloader malware that gets another malicious programs from the Web. It's showing large number of detections worldwide and using email ...

Malware Analysis Report

Nemucod is a Trojan that downloads malicious files to an infected computer. According to Symantec, Nemucod was first discovered in December of 2015.


2016年3月25日 — JS / TrojanDownloader.Nemucod (ESET檢測名稱)是一木馬惡意程式,也稱作木馬下載器,大部分會偽裝成一般文件檔或壓縮檔,例如word、excel,並附加至垃圾 ...


Nemucod is usually used by attackers to distribute malware such as Zeus variants or various password- or info-stealers. In more recent malware distribution ...


Nemucod. | 美國 | 德州 | 勒索軟體 | 政府 | 木馬程式 | Nemucod | 駭客 · 超過20個德州政府機構遭到勒索軟體攻擊. 根據媒體報導,大規模襲擊德州官方的勒索軟體是藉由 ...


TrojanDownloader:JS/Nemucod.GP. Updated on Aug 04, 2016. Alert level: severe. Trojan:VBS/Nemucod.RA!MTB. Updated on Sep 08, 2021. Alert level: severe ...

JSNemucod threat description

2015年3月29日 — Payload · Check for an Internet connection · Download and run files (including updates or other malware) · Report a new infection to its author ...


2023年4月7日—DoyouhaveanyevidencefromtheJSfileitselfthatit'sbeencorruptedinsomeway?Thislookslikeafalsepositiveinyourvirusscan,but ...,Nemucodisatrojandownloaderordropperforransomwareandothermalware.ItspreadsviamaliciousJavaScriptandPHPfilesoremailattachments.,TrojanNEMUCODisadownloadermalwarethatgetsanothermaliciousprogramsfromtheWeb.It'sshowinglargenumberofdetectionsworldwideandusingemail ......