Notre-Dame de Paris: Journey Back in Time
Notre-Dame de Paris: Journey Back in Time

Adaptedfromonthisacclaimedmodel,thevirtualvisitoffersmultiplepoint-of-views,andendsspectacularlywithahot-airballoonflightoveritsarches ...,2020年9月11日—...《巴黎聖母院:時光倒流之旅(Notre-DamedeParis:JourneyBackinTime)》,稍早由Ubisoft宣布將在St...



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Adapted from on this acclaimed model, the virtual visit offers multiple point-of-views, and ends spectacularly with a hot-air balloon flight over its arches ...


2020年9月11日 — ... 《巴黎聖母院:時光倒流之旅(Notre-Dame de Paris: Journey Back in Time)》,稍早由Ubisoft宣布將在Steam平台上免費推出。

Notre Dame (VR)

Ubisoft proposes a Virtual Reality visit of Notre-Dame de Paris in real time ... NOTRE-DAME de Paris : Journey Back in Time (2020) - PC Ultra Widescreen ...

Notre-Dame de Paris

2020年9月10日 — Adapted from on this acclaimed model, the virtual visit offers multiple point-of-views, some of which were inaccessible to the public, and ends ...

Ubisoft免費推出《巴黎聖母院》VR體驗,耗時5000小時重塑18 ...

2020年9月11日 — Ubisoft 今(11)日在Ubisoft Forward 線上發表會,自即日起於Steam 免費推出《巴黎聖母院時光倒流旅程》(Notre-Dame de Paris: Journey Back In Time) ...

Notre-Dame de Paris

Ubisoft proposes a Virtual Reality visit of Notre-Dame de Paris in real time, based on the XVIIIth century reconstitution from the videogame Assassin's Creed :


Adaptedfromonthisacclaimedmodel,thevirtualvisitoffersmultiplepoint-of-views,andendsspectacularlywithahot-airballoonflightoveritsarches ...,2020年9月11日—...《巴黎聖母院:時光倒流之旅(Notre-DamedeParis:JourneyBackinTime)》,稍早由Ubisoft宣布將在Steam平台上免費推出。,UbisoftproposesaVirtualRealityvisitofNotre-DamedeParisinrealtime...NOTRE-DAMEdeParis:JourneyBackinTime(2020)-PCUltraWidescreen ......