How to Use a VPN on an Android TV Box

免費下載安卓TV安裝OpenVPNforAndroid0.7.54apk到AndroidTV。全功能的開源OpenVPN客戶端為Android。,OpenvpnforAndroidisanopensourceclientbasedontheopensourceOpenVPNproject.ItusestheVPNServiceAPIofAndroid4.0+andrequiresneitherJailbreak ...,GottheOpenVPN...。參考影片的文章的如下:


安卓TV安裝OpenVPN for Android

免費下載安卓TV安裝OpenVPN for Android 0.7.54 apk到Android TV。 全功能的開源OpenVPN客戶端為Android。

OpenVPN for Android APK for Android Download

Openvpn for Android is an open source client based on the open source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither Jailbreak ...

Official app not working on Android TV

Got the OpenVPN Connect apk from APK mirror, installed it but app doesn't show properly on screen (only part of screen app is visible)

OpenVPN Connect – OpenVPN App

評分 4.4 (62) · 免費 · Android This app is designed to securely connect users to VPN servers, using the OpenVPN protocol to create an encrypted tunnel for data transmission. Available for the ...

OpenVPN Connect for Android

評分 4.7 (28) · 免費 · Android This tool allows you to manage any virtual private network from your Android device, just like you would from the computer with the desktop program.

OpenVPN for Android

評分 4.2 (13) · 免費 · Android OpenVPN for Android is a open-source VPN client based on the open-source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API and doesn't require a rooted Android.


You can download OpenVPN Connect for free from the Google Play Store. To install and connect to the Access Server, follow the instructions in our OpenVPN ...

OpenVPN Connect – OpenVPN App

評分 4.5 (201,438) · 免費 · Android It is a client application that establishes and transports data over an encrypted secure tunnel via the internet, using the OpenVPN protocol, to a VPN server.

OpenVPN for Android

評分 4.2 (55,616) · 免費 · Android Openvpn for Android is an open source client based on the open source OpenVPN project. It uses the VPNService API of Android 4.0+ and requires neither Jailbreak ...

Download OpenVPN apps for Android

Download OpenVPN apps for Android - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads.


免費下載安卓TV安裝OpenVPNforAndroid0.7.54apk到AndroidTV。全功能的開源OpenVPN客戶端為Android。,OpenvpnforAndroidisanopensourceclientbasedontheopensourceOpenVPNproject.ItusestheVPNServiceAPIofAndroid4.0+andrequiresneitherJailbreak ...,GottheOpenVPNConnectapkfromAPKmirror,installeditbutappdoesn'tshowproperlyonscreen(onlypartofscreenappisvisible),評分4.4(62)·免費·AndroidThisappisdesignedtosecurely...
