

Download PhoneTrans 5.0.0 for Windows

Download the latest version of PhoneTrans for Windows. Transfer and export your iPhone content without using iTunes. With PhoneTrans you can manage the...


PhoneTrans是一个非常有用的iphone文件传输软件,旨在帮助用户将文件传输到他们的iPhone。还适用于ipad或iPod Touch设备,您可以将您的文件,只需点击几下即可传送。


2015年11月4日 — PhoneTrans helps you to spice up iPhone, iPad, iPod touch by transferring and managing music, Apps, movies, music videos, TV shows, podcasts, ...

PhoneTrans for mac(数据迁移工具)

PhoneTrans集成了多种来源,尽力帮助您将所需的所有数据和文件迁移到新的iOS / Android设备,即使它们分散在不同的位置。想象一下,您可以从iTunes资料库中转移喜欢的歌曲 ...

PhoneTrans for Windows

With PhoneTrans you can manage the content of your iPhone or iPad more freely than you can with iTunes, as it permits you to manually add music.

PhoneTrans Official Download Page

Thank you for visiting PhoneTrans download Page! Now just type the address into your browser on PC/Mac to download ...

PhoneTrans Pro

2015年4月28日 — PhoneTrans Pro lets you easily add, delete or rename iPhone music and movies. You can also transfer these types of files to and from your ...

PhoneTrans(iOSAndroid跨平台文件互传软件) v5.3.0. ...

2022年8月17日 — PhoneTrans(iOS/Android跨平台文件互传软件) v5.3.0.20220816 直装激活版 · 大小:130MB · 分类:手机工具 · 环境:Windows · 更新:2022-08-17.

PhoneTrans(苹果数据迁移工具)V5.3.0.20220111 绿色最新版

PhoneTrans绿色最新版是一款专业的苹果数据迁移工具,PhoneTrans不仅可以轻松地以所需的任何方式跨iOS,Android手机和平板电脑自由迁移所需的一切,而且拥有多种模式 ...

[Official] PhoneTrans | 1

iMobie's PhoneTrans is a new Mac and Windows app for frictionless phone-to-phone data transfer that makes it easy to transfer everything across iOS and Android ...