VS Network



Pokémon VS (TCG)

Pokémon VS (Japanese: ポケモンカード☆VS Pokémon Card☆VS) is the only main expansion of cards from the VS Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan.

Pokémon | VS Battles Wiki

The series involves creatures of different types and elements fighting each other in a rock-paper-scissors-like fashion, with the player trying to catch and ...

Pokemon - VS Seeker (110108) - XY Roaring Skies

In the Pokemon Trading Card Game, players build decks around their favorite Pokemon and then play against each other, sending their Pokemon into battle to ...

Serebii.net Pokémon Card Database

The Pokémon VS set was the eleventh set released in Japan. This set follows on from the standards brought in Gym Heroes & Gym Challenge and features nothing but ...

Pokemon VS

Troll and Toad keeps a large inventory of all Pokemon cards in stock at all times. Singles, Packs, Boxes and Precons all available here.


PokémonVS(Japanese:ポケモンカード☆VSPokémonCard☆VS)istheonlymainexpansionofcardsfromtheVSEraofthePokémonCardGameinJapan.,Theseriesinvolvescreaturesofdifferenttypesandelementsfightingeachotherinarock-paper-scissors-likefashion,withtheplayertryingtocatchand ...,InthePokemonTradingCardGame,playersbuilddecksaroundtheirfavoritePokemonandthenplayagainsteachother,sendingtheirPokemonintobattleto ...,T...