The App That "SAVES" Your FPS In Tarkov...



Process Lasso tarkov

Process Lasso tarkov: Automated priority optimization to improve responsiveness!. Free download provided for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.


2023年1月29日 — Open game, alt tab, go into lasso, find Tarkov.exe running in processes. It should be white icont not the launcher one make sure you give it cpu ...

Escape From Tarkov Game Settings Optimization Guide

EFT Restricted to Physcial Cores Only in Process Lasso: Large increase in FPS. I would suggest using Process Lasso if you have Hyperthreading/Simultaneous ...

Went from 30-50fps to 50

2023年8月14日 — Hi y'all. Just by ticking « induce performance mode » when right clicking on EscapeFromTarkov.exe in process lasso I got a huge fps boost!

Project Lasso actually worked for me and got me +

2022年1月22日 — I've been using PL for years with Tarkov, and adding Performance Mode to various processes overall to avoid it being killed/slowed via ...


ProcessLassotarkov:Automatedpriorityoptimizationtoimproveresponsiveness!.Freedownloadprovidedfor32-bitand64-bitversionsofWindows.,2023年1月29日—Opengame,alttab,gointolasso,findTarkov.exerunninginprocesses.Itshouldbewhiteicontnotthelauncheronemakesureyougiveitcpu ...,EFTRestrictedtoPhyscialCoresOnlyinProcessLasso:LargeincreaseinFPS.IwouldsuggestusingProcessLassoifyouhaveHyperthreading/Simultane...