
Proxy Switcher and Manager – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

2022年9月17日 — This extension provides a proxy settings UI very similar to Firefox's built-in proxy setting window but right from Firefox's toolbar panel.

Proxy Switcher & Manager 延伸套件

2022年11月4日 — Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support.

浏览器添加Proxy Switcher and Manager 原创

2019年9月28日 — Proxy Switcher是一个扩展,可帮助您从工具栏弹出UI轻松切换代理。 只需打开工具栏弹出窗口,然后单击所需的类别。 有五种类别可供选择。 此外,徽章图标 ...

Proxy Switcher and Manager

2022年9月20日 — Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support. Proxy Switcher and Manager extension brings ...

Proxy Switcher and Manager

Features: 1. Supports profiles to store multiple proxy servers and switch between them when needed 2. Supports inline PAC script 3. Supports refreshing the PAC ...

Proxy Switcher

Proxy Switcher is an extension that helps you easily switch proxies from toolbar popup UI. Simply open toolbar popup and click on the desired category. There ...

Proxy Switcher and Manager

2022年9月18日 — Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support.

Proxy Switcher and Manager for Google Chrome

2024年5月13日 — This tool is capable of switching between multiple proxy types. It is a great tool for users who are facing issues with accessing applications ...


2022年9月17日—ThisextensionprovidesaproxysettingsUIverysimilartoFirefox'sbuilt-inproxysettingwindowbutrightfromFirefox'stoolbarpanel.,2022年11月4日—Manageandswitchbetweenmultipleproxytypes(SOCKS,PAC,andDirect)withprofilesupport.,2019年9月28日—ProxySwitcher是一个扩展,可帮助您从工具栏弹出UI轻松切换代理。只需打开工具栏弹出窗口,然后单击所需的类别。有五种类别可供选择。此外,徽章图标 ...,2022年9月...