
InputMediaDocument - python-telegram

To upload a file, you can either pass a file object (e.g. open(filename, rb) ) or the file contents as bytes. If the bot is running in local_mode , passing ...

How to send a file to a telegram bot via a request in Puppy?

2023年7月1日 — Here's the code: import requests def send_msg(text, file_path=None): token = token chat_id = chat_id url_req = https://api.telegram.org/bot +

How to send a file with ' in the filename? #2258

I am trying to get the bot to send a file into a chat. This worked well so far. But i want to use a filename which contains '. The string looks fine in python ...

send document file · python-telegram

Hi, how can i send a '.pdf' file via this library?

How to Send Messages and Files to Telegram with Python

2023年7月19日 — In this step-by-step guide, I will show how to send messages and images to Telegram and to download images from Telegram using Python.

send multiple files to a telegram channel in a single ...

2022年12月19日 — Are you allowed to use other libraries? With python-telegram-bot it would be as easy as: Sending each file as a separate message.


2021年12月9日 — Try the following as your send_document function: def send_document(update, context): chat_id = update.message.chat_id document = open('image1.png', 'rb')

How To Send Excel Files With Python Telegram Bot (Or Any ...

2022年5月18日 — We first need to generate the Excel file by whatever logic we wish and put it in some folder beside our telegram bot code. |- bot.


Touploadafile,youcaneitherpassafileobject(e.g.open(filename,rb))orthefilecontentsasbytes.Ifthebotisrunninginlocal_mode,passing ...,2023年7月1日—Here'sthecode:importrequestsdefsend_msg(text,file_path=None):token=tokenchat_id=chat_idurl_req=https://api.telegram.org/bot+,Iamtryingtogetthebottosendafileintoachat.Thisworkedwellsofar.Butiwanttouseafilenamewhichcontains'.Thestringlooksfineinpython .....
