Random Rising Storm 2 Vietnam Bullshittery part 1 ...

2019年3月13日—Heyguys,sinceIbuildanewGamingPCthereoccuringrandomefreezesforabout10secwhileplayingrisingstorm2.,2022年3月8日—Itjusthelpsyougetaroughestimateofthedistance.Ifyouknowtheenemyis1squareaway,and1squareis75meters, ...,2019年2月3日—Itwould...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Random 10 sec freezes :: Rising Storm 2

2019年3月13日 — Hey guys, since I build a new Gaming PC there occuring randome freezes for about 10 sec while playing rising storm 2.

Random Rising Storm 2

2022年3月8日 — It just helps you get a rough estimate of the distance. If you know the enemy is 1 square away, and 1 square is 75 meters, ...

Lag 'pushes' every few seconds (random) :

2019年2月3日 — It would be extremely high packet loss but on a wired connection packet loss is almost always 0. And when it's not 0 it's never higher than a ...

Rising Storm 2

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a 2017 multiplayer tactical first-person shooter video game developed by Antimatter Games and Tripwire Interactive and co-published ...

Save 75% on Rising Storm 2

Red Orchestra Series' take on Vietnam: 64-player MP matches; 20+ maps; US Army & Marines, PAVN/NVA, NLF/VC; Australians and ARVN forces; 50+ weapons; ...

DON'T BE RACIST! Random Rising Storm 2

2019年1月24日 — Tried my best to fit everything in on the first one, but Instagram wouldn't take it, so sorry . Now taking submissions for fanart posts.


2019年3月13日—Heyguys,sinceIbuildanewGamingPCthereoccuringrandomefreezesforabout10secwhileplayingrisingstorm2.,2022年3月8日—Itjusthelpsyougetaroughestimateofthedistance.Ifyouknowtheenemyis1squareaway,and1squareis75meters, ...,2019年2月3日—Itwouldbeextremelyhighpacketlossbutonawiredconnectionpacketlossisalmostalways0.Andwhenit'snot0it'sneverhigherthana ...,RisingStorm2:Vietnamisa2017multiplayer...