How to restore an iPhone or iPad from an iCloud backup ...

GotoiPhoneSettings>tapyourname>iCloud>iCloudDrive>AppsSyncingtoiCloudDrive>checkthatWhatsAppisturnedon.Checkthatyou'rerestoring ...,HowtopatchdowngradeaniOSbackupversion·Step1.TakeacopyofyouriOSbackupbeforeyoumodifyit.·Step2.OpentheInfo.·Step3.Se...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can't complete or restore iCloud backup

Go to iPhone Settings > tap your name > iCloud > iCloud Drive > Apps Syncing to iCloud Drive > check that WhatsApp is turned on. Check that you're restoring ...

How to restore an iOS backup to an earlier version of iOS

How to patch downgrade an iOS backup version · Step 1. Take a copy of your iOS backup before you modify it. · Step 2. Open the Info. · Step 3. Search for ...

Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings

2024年3月14日 — A factory restore erases the information and settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod and installs the latest version of iOS, iPadOS, or iPod ...

將iPhone、iPad 或iPod 回復成出廠預設值

2024年2月16日 — 出廠回復會清除iPhone、iPad 或iPod 上的資訊和設定,並安裝最新版的iOS、iPadOS 或iPod 軟體。

Back up account credentials in Microsoft Authenticator

You can only back and restore on the same device type: i.e. accounts backed up using an iOS device cannot be restored on an Android device. · We don't store any ...

iPhone restore 畫面救援工具

2024年5月28日 — 5 種「 / iphone/restore」解決方法 · 1 無資料遺失一鍵修復support apple com iphone restore · 2 強制重新啟動iPhone · 3 更新iTunes.

How to restore iPhone from a backup

2023年7月28日 — To restore your iPhone from iCloud, follow these steps: Open iCloud and proceed with the device setup until you reach the Apps & Data screen.

Don't Start From Scratch

In the event that you need to restore the backup or set up a new phone, go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone on your device. Tap Erase All ...


GotoiPhoneSettings>tapyourname>iCloud>iCloudDrive>AppsSyncingtoiCloudDrive>checkthatWhatsAppisturnedon.Checkthatyou'rerestoring ...,HowtopatchdowngradeaniOSbackupversion·Step1.TakeacopyofyouriOSbackupbeforeyoumodifyit.·Step2.OpentheInfo.·Step3.Searchfor ...,2024年3月14日—AfactoryrestoreerasestheinformationandsettingsonyouriPhone,iPad,oriPodandinstallsthelatestversionofiOS,iPadOS...