Rising Storm Launch Trailer

InafuturepostapocalypticAmericaruledbyafascisttelevangelist,youngthiefJoeandhisbrotheragreetohelpprettyMilaandhersisterfindan ...,GameandLegalInfo.UnlocktheStormofUrfaelwhichenablesyoutouseunlimitedCombatExecutions.Inordertoplaywiththisadditional...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Rising Storm (1989)

In a future postapocalyptic America ruled by a fascist televangelist, young thief Joe and his brother agree to help pretty Mila and her sister find an ...

Rising Storm (English Ver.)

Game and Legal Info. Unlock the Storm of Urfael which enables you to use unlimited Combat Executions. In order to play with this additional content, it is ...

Rising Storm (video game)

Rising Storm is a stand-alone expansion pack to Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad developed by Tripwire Interactive in conjunction with the modding ...

Rising Storm 2

Red Orchestra Series' take on Vietnam: 64-player MP matches; 20+ maps; US Army & Marines, PAVN/NVA, NLF/VC; Australians and ARVN forces; 50+ weapons; ...

Rising Storm 2

The key features: Full 64-player Campaign Mode; Play as the Northern or Southern forces battling for control region by region; Fight from 1965 through 1975, ...

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers thrilling combat experiences for up to 64 players in online battles between the United States military and the North Vietnamese ...

Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition

Players will experience beach assaults, jungle fighting, close quarters night fighting and more across Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Saipan, among other iconic ...

《Rising Storm 2: Vietnam》

「Red Orchestra」系列前進越南:64 人多人遊戲模式;超過20 張地圖;美國陸軍和海軍;越南人民軍、越共;澳洲和越南共和國陸軍;50 多種武器;4 種直升機;地雷、陷阱 ...


InafuturepostapocalypticAmericaruledbyafascisttelevangelist,youngthiefJoeandhisbrotheragreetohelpprettyMilaandhersisterfindan ...,GameandLegalInfo.UnlocktheStormofUrfaelwhichenablesyoutouseunlimitedCombatExecutions.Inordertoplaywiththisadditionalcontent,itis ...,RisingStormisastand-aloneexpansionpacktoRedOrchestra2:HeroesofStalingraddevelopedbyTripwireInteractiveinconjunctionwiththemodding ......