
SendThisFileisacloudserviceforonlineandfreefiletransfer.WithSendThisFile,youcansendlargefilessecurelywithoutworryingaboutsafetybecause ...,SendThisFileisafiletransferserviceoperatedbySendThisFile,Inc.,whichusescloudcomputingand128-bitTLSencryptiontoenableuserstosecurelysend ...,FileTransferMadeEasy:WithSendThisFile,securelysendandreceivefilesworldwide.Startwithafreeplan,andupgradeforonly$5/mon...

Online and free file transfer

SendThisFile is a cloud service for online and free file transfer. With SendThisFile, you can send large files securely without worrying about safety because ...


SendThisFile is a file transfer service operated by SendThisFile, Inc., which uses cloud computing and 128-bit TLS encryption to enable users to securely send ...

SendThisFile File Transfer

File Transfer Made Easy: With SendThisFile, securely send and receive files worldwide. Start with a free plan, and upgrade for only $5/month!

SendThisFile FileBox

A FileBox is an inbox where people can send large files to you. Once they send a large file to you, you will receive an email with a link to download the file.

SendThisFile Pricing, Reviews & Features

SendThisFile is file transfer software that securely sends, receives, and requests files worldwide. SendThisFile provides military-grade encryption ...

SendThisFile, Inc.

SendThisFile, Inc. is an industry leader in providing managed file transfers to businesses with security as a top priority.