
How can I become a TED Translator?

TED Translators are volunteers from around the world who create subtitles for published TED, TED-Ed, and TEDx talks. We use a free, ​​state of the art ...

TED delivers global localization with CaptionHub

38,948 TED translators using CaptionHub: TED translators is a global population of volunteer translators committed to TEDs mission of spreading ideas; 186,431 ...

Our Translators

View all TED Translators ... Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. ... TED Members make our mission possible by ...

Get started

Get started. TED Translators and transcribers help spread ideas to a global audience. We use a free, state of the art subtitling platform called CaptionHub.


TED Translators are a global community of volunteers who subtitle TED Talks, and enable the inspiring ideas in them to crisscross languages and borders.

TED Translators

The TED Translators program is a global volunteer effort to subtitle TED Talks, and enable the inspiring ideas in them to crisscross languages and borders.


TEDTranslatorsarevolunteersfromaroundtheworldwhocreatesubtitlesforpublishedTED,TED-Ed,andTEDxtalks.Weuseafree,​​stateoftheart ...,38,948TEDtranslatorsusingCaptionHub:TEDtranslatorsisaglobalpopulationofvolunteertranslatorscommittedtoTEDsmissionofspreadingideas;186,431 ...,ViewallTEDTranslators...Getadailyemailfeaturingthelatesttalk,plusaquickmixoftrendingcontent....TEDMembersmakeourmissionpossi...