
How to Obtain Weekday Name from a Date in Excel (3 ...

2022年7月21日 — 3 Easiest Ways to Get the Weekday Name · 1. Name the text in which date is placed and type “dddd” as format in text function like the example ...


WEEKDAY 函數. Microsoft 365 Excel Mac 版Microsoft 365 Excel Excel 網頁版 Excel ... 若使用文字格式輸入日期,可能會發生問題。 Return_type 選用。 這是決定傳回值類型 ...

Show dates as days of the week

Under Category, click Custom, and in the Type box, type dddd for the full name of the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, and so on), or ddd for the abbreviated ...

WEEKDAY formula in Excel to get day of week, weekends ...

2023年10月10日 — By design, the Excel WEEKDAY function returns the day of the week as a number. To turn the weekday number into the day name, employ the TEXT ...

WEEKDAY function

Returns the day of the week corresponding to a date. The day is given as an integer, ranging from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday), by default.

7 Ways To Get The Weekday Name From A Date In Excel

Select the dates which we want to convert into weekday names. · Go to the Home tab and click on the small launch icon in the lower right corner of the Number ...

Excel formula to get day of week from date

2023年10月18日 — Convert calendar date to day of week. If you prefer having the day names, not numbers, you can combine the WEEKDAY function with the TEXT ...

How To Get the Day of the Week From the Date in Excel

2022年6月24日 — The TEXT function takes numbered date information from a cell and ... The WEEKDAY function helps you convert dates to numbers representing their ...


2022年7月21日—3EasiestWaystoGettheWeekdayName·1.Namethetextinwhichdateisplacedandtype“dddd”asformatintextfunctionliketheexample ...,WEEKDAY函數.Microsoft365ExcelMac版Microsoft365ExcelExcel網頁版Excel...若使用文字格式輸入日期,可能會發生問題。Return_type選用。這是決定傳回值類型 ...,UnderCategory,clickCustom,andintheTypebox,typeddddforthefullnameofthedayoftheweek(Monday,Tuesday,andsoon),ordddfor...