Name that Engine | Play Along



ENGINE | Pronunciation in English

3 天前 · English pronunciations of engine from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary.

Engineering National Graduate Institutional Name Exchange

ENGINE is a national consortium open to any U.S. institution offering bachelors of engineering degrees with interest in recruiting outstanding students for ...

The Name Engine

We've added pronunciations for several of the new 2014 NBA draftees. Visit to hear them.

The Name Engine

The Name Engine. 514 likes. The Name Engine is the standard for the correct name pronunciations of athletes, celebrities newsmak.

How to pronounce engine

評分 3.0 · Mary James IPA : ˈenʤɪn Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it.

What Does The Name Engine Mean?

User Submitted Origins · To assault with an engine.(Obs)To engine and batter our walls. [T. Adams.] · To equip with an engine; -- said especially of steam ...

Ear It Pronunciation Application

With the Ear It application from The Name Engine®, your visitors won't just see correct pronunciations-they'll actually hear them.

The Name Engine

The Name Engine® provides audio name pronunciations of athletes, entertainers, politicians, newsmakers, and more. Add a Name · EAR IT APP · About Us · AHL

Name that Engine | Play Along | Thomas & Friends

Bust my buffers! All of the Sodor engines are very different from each other. Play along to this fun activity and figure out which engine is ...


3天前·EnglishpronunciationsofenginefromtheCambridgeAdvancedLearner'sDictionary&ThesaurusandfromtheCambridgeAcademicContentDictionary.,ENGINEisanationalconsortiumopentoanyU.S.institutionofferingbachelorsofengineeringdegreeswithinterestinrecruitingoutstandingstudentsfor ...,We'veaddedpronunciationsforseveralofthenew2014NBAdraftees.Visitwww.thenameengine.comtohearthem.,TheNameEngine.514likes....
