Tixati slow
Tixati slow

2020年9月6日—TixatiwillactuallyconnecttoandtorrentonesthatforsomereasonuTorrentcannotfindbutallofthemareVERYslowstill,eventheones ...,2021年6月10日—WheninstallingTixationtoanewcomputer,itseemstostarttoallocatefilesforaboutthirtyminutesorhigherbef...

File Allocating Slow


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Super-slow Uploads?

2020年9月6日 — Tixati will actually connect to and torrent ones that for some reason uTorrent cannot find but all of them are VERY slow still, even the ones ...

File Allocating Slow

2021年6月10日 — When installing Tixati onto a new computer, it seems to start to allocate files for about thirty minutes or higher before starting a download.

Tixati EXTREMELY slow.

2017年2月11日 — Go to bandwith. Set incomming to 9999999 until it takes no more 9'z. Set outgoing to 500. Works like a charm. Viceverse for uploading.

Tixati started downloading slowly for no apparent reason ...

2021年4月9日 — A few months ago Tixati, for no apparent reason, started downloading slowly. I have a 1 Mbps download speed and Tixati won't go over about ...

found bug that makes downloads 10x slower, easy ...

2018年4月18日 — I found this serious tixati bug which causes slow downloads on tixati2.57 on win10-64, but I also found an easy workaround.

Tixati slow response when opening settings

2020年7月21日 — I notice that before i import the backup settings, everything is fast and crisp. But when i use import from backup, the UI slows down. Pressing ...

How to increase my Tixati download speed

2020年11月18日 — There are many reason behind the slow download speed of downloading torrent files. First Of all,. you need to understand how torrent works. it ...

Tixati downloading at a slow rate

2020年12月21日 — Maybe throttled by your internet provider? Try using a VPN, I was throttling at 600kb/s then used Cloudflare and got back my usual 3-4mbps.

Optimizing Tixati

Tixati features both incoming and outgoing bandwidth throttles. It is generally not necessary to set the incoming bandwidth throttle, but all users should set ...


2020年9月6日—TixatiwillactuallyconnecttoandtorrentonesthatforsomereasonuTorrentcannotfindbutallofthemareVERYslowstill,eventheones ...,2021年6月10日—WheninstallingTixationtoanewcomputer,itseemstostarttoallocatefilesforaboutthirtyminutesorhigherbeforestartingadownload.,2017年2月11日—Gotobandwith.Setincommingto9999999untilittakesnomore9'z.Setoutgoingto500.Workslikeacharm.Viceverseforuploading.,20...