Slept on Rap Songs 2024

PlaylistbyPromotingSoundsforthemostunderratedrapsongsout,followthisplaylistifyouwanttofindthenextPoloG,JuiceWRLD,LilTjay, ...,6天前—48.8Mposts.DiscovervideosrelatedtoUnpopularRapSongsonTikTok.SeemorevideosaboutFamousOldRapSongs,TheMostIconicRapSo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Underrated Rap Songs

Playlist by Promoting Sounds for the most underrated rap songs out, follow this playlist if you want to find the next Polo G, Juice WRLD, Lil Tjay, ...

Unpopular Rap Songs

6 天前 — 48.8M posts. Discover videos related to Unpopular Rap Songs on TikTok. See more videos about Famous Old Rap Songs, The Most Iconic Rap Song ...

What are your unpopular Hip Hop Opinions?

2022年12月5日 — I'll go first I think Takeover is better than Ether, as someone who listened to both of them for the first time somewhat recently Takeover ...

Underrated Rap Songs #1

Underrated Rap Songs #1 ; Two Cups (feat. Offset & Big Sean). Rich The Kid, Offset, Big Sean ; Go Up (feat. Roddy Ricch). Rich The Kid, Roddy Ricch ; Weather the ...

What's your unpopular rap take?

2023年10月1日 — OutKast, Goodie Mobb, Ludacris, T.I., Killer Mike, Jermaine Dupri, Gucci Mane, Jeezy, Lil Jon, Yin Yang Twins, Soulja Boy, and probably a lot ...

Who are the best unknown rappers in the world?

2015年6月4日 — Kendrick Lamar, Tyler The Creator, Hopsin, Logic, JID, Childish Gambino, J. Cole (apes Kendrick a bit, but he's still pretty damn good), Joyner ...

My unpopular rap opinions

Wale is one of the most underrated rappers of all time, might even be the most underrated; DAMN was average, worst Kendrick album by far; GKMC is the best ...

List of Known and Unknown rappers

List of Known and Unknown rappers. Author: IamtheGOATofhiphop. rap artists that the world should know about THIS IS IN NO ORDER.


PlaylistbyPromotingSoundsforthemostunderratedrapsongsout,followthisplaylistifyouwanttofindthenextPoloG,JuiceWRLD,LilTjay, ...,6天前—48.8Mposts.DiscovervideosrelatedtoUnpopularRapSongsonTikTok.SeemorevideosaboutFamousOldRapSongs,TheMostIconicRapSong ...,2022年12月5日—I'llgofirstIthinkTakeoverisbetterthanEther,assomeonewholistenedtobothofthemforthefirsttimesomewhatrecentlyTakeover ...,Underrated...
