
UsefulSaver1,042xFree,forWindows·ScreenshotofDashSaver.DashSaver630xFree,forMac·ScreenshotofFlyingClockPro.FlyingClockPro1,933xFree, ...,UsefulSaverdisplaysCPUinfo,RAMinfo,diskactivity,diskspace,top5processes,batteryliferemaining,andhowlongthescreensaver'sbeenrunning.,AlternativestoUsefulSaver·OceanisChangeBackground·Incredibox·AnalogDINclockscreensaver·ACGPlayer·GTA:SanAndreasHomegirls·FreeSc...

9 Useful Screensavers for Windows & Mac

UsefulSaver 1,042x Free, for Windows · Screenshot of DashSaver. DashSaver 630x Free, for Mac · Screenshot of Flying Clock Pro. Flying Clock Pro 1,933x Free, ...

Download UsefulSaver

UsefulSaver displays CPU info, RAM info, disk activity, disk space, top 5 processes, battery life remaining, and how long the screensaver's been running.

Programs similar to UsefulSaver 1 - Windows

Alternatives to UsefulSaver · Oceanis Change Background · Incredibox · Analog DIN clock screensaver · ACG Player · GTA: San Andreas Homegirls · Free Screen Recorder.

Useful Saver 1.0.1

2012年8月4日 — 安裝完畢後如何啟用它呢? 在桌面上右擊-屬性-屏幕保護程序下拉菜單中選擇UsefulSaver即可。 想要預覽的話,點擊預覽按鈕即可, ...

UsefulSaver (64-bit)

2011年12月20日 — Watch fish, live clams, and swaying coral in a colorful virtual aquarium on your screen.

UsefulSaver (free) download Windows version

2023年5月30日 — Download UsefulSaver for free. UsefulSaver displays CPU info, RAM info, disk activity, disk space, top 5 processes, battery life remaining.

UsefulSaver 1.0.1_显示系统信息的屏保

2016年2月11日 — UsefulSaver是一个windows下的屏幕保护程序,和其他显示图片、动画的屏保相比,它更具有实用性,因为当UsefulSaver启用后,你可以查看时间和日期以及 ...

UsefulSaver Screensaver for Windows

This screensaver aims to be useful by displaying various data about the current state of your computer system, such as the CPU (processor) and RAM (memory) ...

Windows System Information Screensaver

2012年7月6日 — UsefulSaver – Screensaver That Shows Useful System Information ... Screensavers are useful but most people use it only for the purpose of ...