Windows Privacy Dashboard

Theprivacydashboardshowsthedatawe'vecollected.Ifyouwanttoseesign-inactivityforyourMicrosoftaccount,youcanviewrecentactivity.Ifyou're ...,Learnhowtoaccess,share,orclearyourMicrosoftsearchhistorythroughtheprivacydashboard.,Asmallbutpowerfulportable...。參考影片的文章的如下:


View your data on the privacy dashboard

The privacy dashboard shows the data we've collected. If you want to see sign-in activity for your Microsoft account, you can view recent activity. If you're ...

Browsing history on the privacy dashboard

Learn how to access, share, or clear your Microsoft search history through the privacy dashboard.


A small but powerful portable tool that works through the Windows API. WPD is the most convenient way to configure various privacy settings in Windows. Download.


Privacy dashboard for Windows.

WPD (Windows Privacy Dashboard) 1.4.1834

2021年3月24日 — Free portable tool for tweaking system settings that are known to cause privacy concerns among Windows users.

How much the windows 11 privacy dashboard rely protect ...

2023年1月30日 — Hi How much the windows 11 privacy dashboard rely protect you from spying by big companies? Thanks you.

Microsoft Launches Privacy Dashboard

The newly released web-based privacy dashboard allows users to view and control all of the data Microsoft has collected about their activity. This includes ...


Theprivacydashboardshowsthedatawe'vecollected.Ifyouwanttoseesign-inactivityforyourMicrosoftaccount,youcanviewrecentactivity.Ifyou're ...,Learnhowtoaccess,share,orclearyourMicrosoftsearchhistorythroughtheprivacydashboard.,AsmallbutpowerfulportabletoolthatworksthroughtheWindowsAPI.WPDisthemostconvenientwaytoconfigurevariousprivacysettingsinWindows.Download.,PrivacydashboardforWindows.,2021年3月2...