
4 Ways to Record Audio from Computer [2024]

2024年3月5日 — Movavi Screen Recorder is a desktop app that can help you record audio from a PC. This easy-to-use recording app can capture any kind of ...

7 Free Ways to Record Audio from a Computer [2024]

2024年2月6日 — One of the best ways to capture audio is to use Movavi Screen Recorder. The program has a simple interface and a wide range of features, ...

How do I make the voice recorder pick up computer audio?

2023年2月28日 — 1- Right-click on the speaker icon in your system tray and select Open Sound settings. 2- Scroll down and click on App volume and device ...

How to Record Audio on Windows 10

Yes, Windows 10 has a sound recorder called the Voice Recorder App. If you need a quick way to record audio on your computer, this app can help you. You can use ...

How to Record Computer Audio in 6 Free Ways

2023年11月28日 — To record audio on a Windows PC, there is a built-in sound recorder for Windows 10 that is capable of capturing your microphone sound with ...

How to Record Computer Audio on Windows

2023年12月6日 — Open the Start menu and search for recorder. Choose Sound Recorder if you're on Windows 11, or Voice Recorder if that's what you see.

How to Record the Sound Coming From Your PC (Even ...

2023年10月12日 — If you don't have Stereo Mix, use Windows WASAPI to record your PC's audio in an application like Audacity. You can record the sound coming from ...

Record audio on a Windows computer

If you have Windows Vista or later, you can record the audio that is generated by the computer by clicking the Computer Audio option on the recorder controls:.

Sound Recorder app for Windows

Sound Recorder is an app you can use to record audio for up to three hours per recording file. You can use it side by side with other apps, which allows you ...


2024年3月5日—MovaviScreenRecorderisadesktopappthatcanhelpyourecordaudiofromaPC.Thiseasy-to-userecordingappcancaptureanykindof ...,2024年2月6日—OneofthebestwaystocaptureaudioistouseMovaviScreenRecorder.Theprogramhasasimpleinterfaceandawiderangeoffeatures, ...,2023年2月28日—1-Right-clickonthespeakericoninyoursystemtrayandselectOpenSoundsettings.2-ScrolldownandclickonAppvolumeanddevice ...,Yes,Wi...
