
Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett – Way Back Into Love Lyrics

Way Back Into Love Lyrics: I've been living with a shadow overhead / I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed / I've been lonely for so long / Trapped ...

K歌情人-Way back into love中文歌詞-甜不辣工作坊

I've been living with a shadow overhead 我一直活在陰影底下. I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 一直睡在烏雲覆蓋的床上

歌詞翻譯Way back into love 把愛找回來-K歌情人主題曲

(Drew Barrymore唱) I've been living with a shadow overhead 日復一日過著陰影罩頂的生活I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 夜復一夜在 ...

Way Back Into Love【Music and Lyrics】/重新找到愛【K歌情人】

我想要重新找到愛。 Way Back Into Love(Haley Bennett and Hugh Grant)-重新找到愛(海莉班奈特&休葛蘭). I have been living with a shadow overhead

「K歌情人」Way Back Into Love 歌詞中譯 - 明騎西行記

All I wanna do is find a way back into love. I can't make it through without a way back into love. I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in ...

【愛情歌曲】K歌情人(Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett - lyrics

All I wanna do is find a way back into love. I can't make it through without a way back into love. I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!

Way Back Into Love-歌詞

作曲:Adam SchlesingerAdam Schlesinger. I've been living with a shadow overhead. I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed. I've been lonely for so long

Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett - A Way Back Into Love (lyrics)

Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett - A Way Back Into Love (lyrics) · Comments5.2K. Carlos miguel Refareal. 2024? Anyone here? 4:33. Go to ...

Way Back Into Love《回歸愛情》~ Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett中英 ...

Hugh Grant休葛蘭& Haley Bennett茱兒·芭莉摩~ Way Back Into Love《回歸愛情》 2007年電影『Music and Lyrics K歌情人』主題曲.


WayBackIntoLoveLyrics:I'vebeenlivingwithashadowoverhead/I'vebeensleepingwithacloudabovemybed/I'vebeenlonelyforsolong/Trapped ...,I'vebeenlivingwithashadowoverhead我一直活在陰影底下.I'vebeensleepingwithacloudabovemybed一直睡在烏雲覆蓋的床上,(DrewBarrymore唱)I'vebeenlivingwithashadowoverhead日復一日過著陰影罩頂的生活I'vebeensleepingwithacloudabovemybed夜復一夜在 ...,我想要重新找到愛。WayBackInto...