
正規表示式Regular Expression

[a-zA-Z0-9], 含數字或字母之字串, 不含數字及字母之字串 ; b[aeiou]t, “bat”, “bet”, “bit”, “bot”, “but”, “bxt”, “bzt” ; [^0-9], 不含數字之字串(若要比對^,請使用-^) ...

Regular expression examples

The bracketed characters [a-zA-Z0-9] mean that any letter (regardless of case) or digit will match. The * (asterisk) following the brackets ...

Regex Expression:^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$ - Studio

The square brackets [a-zA-Z0-9-] define a character set that matches any uppercase letter, lowercase letter, digit or hyphen.

第四章,合法E-mail address 的正規化標示法。

其中的+ 符號代表[A-Z0-9._-] 必須出現至少一次,但長度不限,而內容為英文、數字、特定符號( . - _ )。 一個@ 符號 ...


[A-Za-Z0_9]+_+ : 大小寫英文與數字組合,加1或多個 _ , _ 沒有特殊意思,不需反斜線。 [A-Za-z0-9]+-+ : 大小寫英文與數字組合,加1或多個 - , ...


Search, filter and view user submitted regular expressions in the regex library. Over 20000 entries, and counting!

What does [^a-z0-9] means in regex? [duplicate]

Just wondering what does [^a-z0-9] mean in regex? I looked around this site and only find [a-z0-9] , so what does the ^ symbol mean?

regex - What does [a-z0-9] mean?

In a regular expression, if you have [a-z] then it matches any lowercase letter. [0-9] matches any digit. So if you have [a-z0-9], ...

What does a-zA-Z0-9 mean in the REGEX?

a-zA-Z0-9 in the REGEX just means that any lower case alphabet character from a to z is acceptable, as well as capital letters A to Z and ...

What this means? ([^A-Za-z0-9]g)

This is a regex that matches any non-alphanumeric characters. (^ means negated character class, the letters and numbers signify all capital and lowercase ...


[a-zA-Z0-9],含數字或字母之字串,不含數字及字母之字串;b[aeiou]t,“bat”,“bet”,“bit”,“bot”,“but”,“bxt”,“bzt”;[^0-9],不含數字之字串(若要比對^,請使用-^) ...,Thebracketedcharacters[a-zA-Z0-9]meanthatanyletter(regardlessofcase)ordigitwillmatch.The*(asterisk)followingthebrackets ...,Thesquarebrackets[a-zA-Z0-9-]defineacharactersetthatmatchesanyuppercaseletter,lowercaseletter,digitorhyphen.,其中的+符...