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Microsoft Office 2013 vs. 2016

I am in a school system and my question is: What are the differences between Office 2013 and 2016? Should I upgrade to 2016 this year or wait another year.

【軟體】office 2010、2013、2016、2019、2021 有何差別? (2024 ...

答:其實都一樣,真的差不多,很多人因為習慣的關係,說不定還比較喜歡用舊版,不想換新版,因為每一次的新版都會在使用介面上有一點點小改動。 但我個人是比較 ...

Difference Between Office 2013 and 2016

While Office 2013 already has a basic co-authoring feature that allows you to edit files in parallel, Office 2016 takes it to the next level, especially in Word ...


您可以使用資料庫比較來比較Access 桌面資料庫的一個版本與另一個版本。 您會在可匯出至Excel 或以PDF 格式儲存的SQL Server Reporting Services 報表中看到差異,例如新增 ...

Microsoft Access 2013 and 2016 New Features of Total ...

The most powerful database, object, module, and text comparison product for Access is now available for Microsoft Access 2016 and 2013.

Office 2016與2013差別在哪裡?

差別不大,最大的差別應該就是2013改成2016吧! 原本它標榜可以協同工作,可以像Google一樣,多人同時編輯一份文件 但是不知道為什麼,只有Word可以 ...

Microsoft Access 2013 vs 2016

Access 2016 has the same look and feel as 2013. There are only two minor differences between the two versions. In Access 2016, the top ...

What are the main differences between Microsoft Office 2013 and ...

Office 2016 added real-time collaboration, enhanced cloud integration, and improved security. It supports touchscreen devices and introduced a ...

Benefits of using Microsoft Access 2016 - Software

There is very little difference between Access 2016 and its predecessor Access 2013. In fact Microsoft's own first statement for the differences is that ...

Microsoft Access 2016 Isn't Much Different from Access 2013 or ...

Aside from superficial color and labeling, Microsoft Access 2016 isn't much different from Access 2013 or 2010.


Iaminaschoolsystemandmyquestionis:WhatarethedifferencesbetweenOffice2013and2016?ShouldIupgradeto2016thisyearorwaitanotheryear.,答:其實都一樣,真的差不多,很多人因為習慣的關係,說不定還比較喜歡用舊版,不想換新版,因為每一次的新版都會在使用介面上有一點點小改動。但我個人是比較 ...,WhileOffice2013alreadyhasabasicco-authoringfeaturethatallowsyoutoeditfilesinparallel,Office2016takesittothenextlevel...