How to Back up and Restore Your Windows Devices Using ...

ActiveBackupforBusinessisdesignedtoprovideacomprehensivewhilecentralizeddataprotectionsolution,helpingyoubackupbusinessPCs,VMs, ...,Forbackingupfileserver,ActiveBackupforBusinesssupportstheserversrunningwithSMB(Windows)andrsync3.0orabove(Linux)pr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Active Backup for Business - Add

Active Backup for Business is designed to provide a comprehensive while centralized data protection solution, helping you back up business PCs, VMs, ...

Active Backup for Business Administrator's Guide

For backing up file server, Active Backup for Business supports the servers running with SMB (Windows) and rsync 3.0 or above (Linux) protocol. You may back up ...

Bare Metal Backup and Recovery with Synology Active ...

2023年7月7日 — Simply backup a Windows Server: 1. Install Active Backup for Business from Package Center on Synolgoy NAS. 2. Select Physical Server in it. 3 ...

Synology Active Backup

A business-grade backup & recovery software comes free with Synology NAS, allowing you to back up VMware,. Hyper-V, Windows endpoints, Office 365, G Suite, NAS ...

Synology Active Backup for Business

On the left menu, choose “Your Server” and “Packages Center”; On the search field, type “Synology; Click on Install button on the Synology Active Backup ...

Synology Active Backup for Business

2023年2月2日 — The Synology Active Backup for Business is a software offered with all compatible NAS products that are running the Synology DiskStation Manager ...


ActiveBackupforBusinessisdesignedtoprovideacomprehensivewhilecentralizeddataprotectionsolution,helpingyoubackupbusinessPCs,VMs, ...,Forbackingupfileserver,ActiveBackupforBusinesssupportstheserversrunningwithSMB(Windows)andrsync3.0orabove(Linux)protocol.Youmaybackup ...,2023年7月7日—SimplybackupaWindowsServer:1.InstallActiveBackupforBusinessfromPackageCenteronSynolgoyNAS.2.SelectPhysicalServeri...