
About 4K, HDR, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision on your ...

2023年12月4日 — Learn how to set up your Apple TV 4K for the best 4K, HDR, HDR10+, or Dolby Vision experience.

Dolby Vision

Dolby Vision® is a stunning HDR imaging technology that brings extraordinary color, contrast, and brightness to the screen. See what you've been missing.

Enable Dolby VisionHDR10 on Your TV

ENABLE DOLBY VISION/HDR10 ON YOUR TV · Samsung HDR TVs: Menu > Picture > Picture Options > HDMI UHD Color > On > Restart · LG HDR TVs: Home > HDMI > Settings > ...

Every HDR TV Format Explained

2023年12月22日 — From Dolby Vision to HDR10, HLG to, well, HDR10 Plus, there are lots of ways to get HDR on TV. Here's what they all mean.

HDR10 vs HDR10+ vs Dolby Vision

There is a wide range of HDR supported TVs. What exactly is HDR? Learn more about HDR and understand the difference between different types of HDR.

HDR10 vs HDR10+ vs Dolby Vision

2022年3月31日 — There are three main HDR formats: HDR10, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision, and they each display HDR content differently and have their advantages and ...

How to get Dolby Vision

Follow our step-by-step Dolby Vision setup guide to watch your favorite movies and TV series in captivating color. Unlock the full potential of HDR.


LG OLED 4K ULTRA HD ACTIVE HDR with Dolby Vision™ - 65'' E7P · Ultra HD · Self-lighting Pixel · 8.3 Pixel dimming · Infinite Contrast · Picture-on-Glass design ...


2023年12月4日—LearnhowtosetupyourAppleTV4Kforthebest4K,HDR,HDR10+,orDolbyVisionexperience.,DolbyVision®isastunningHDRimagingtechnologythatbringsextraordinarycolor,contrast,andbrightnesstothescreen.Seewhatyou'vebeenmissing.,ENABLEDOLBYVISION/HDR10ONYOURTV·SamsungHDRTVs:Menu>Picture>PictureOptions>HDMIUHDColor>On>Restart·LGHDRTVs:Home>HDMI>Settings> ...,2023年12月22日—Fro...