Install AdGuard on Ubuntu 20.0.4 using Proxmox and one line of ...



AdGuard Personal Lifetime Subscription Deal

供應中 評分 4.8 (559) A good opportunity to get a lifetime license for Adguard, an ad blocker that acts as a VPN, preventing annoying intrusion of advertisements.

AdGuard Review & Cost 2025: Scam, Safe or Legit?

Based on when you make the purchase, you can avail up to a 40% discount on yearly licences and a 30% discount on a lifetime purchase. AdGuard also offers a ...

AdGuard 是全球最先進的廣告封鎖程式!享受到最佳無廣告體驗

一款能封鎖瀏覽器裡的廣告並支持DNS 過濾的廣告封鎖程式. 了解更多 App Store ... 一款一次性付款的應用程式,具有已啟動的AdGuard iOS 版高級功能. 了解更多 App Store.

Buy AdGuard Premium (PC, Android, Mac, iOS) 3 Devices, Lifetime

供應中 THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED AD BLOCKER!AdGuard is the best way to get rid of intrusive ads and online tracking, and to protect your computer from malware.

Buy AdGuard Premium 3 Devices Lifetime Key! Cheap price

供應中 AdGuard is the best way to get rid of annoying ads, tracking online and protecting your computer from malware. Make your internet browsing faster, safer and ...

How to purchase or upgrade

How to purchase a license​ AdGuard licenses can be bought on You can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Alipay and UnionPay.

How to purchase, upgrade, or get a refund

AdGuard DNS plans can be purchased on You can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Alipay, and UnionPay. Plans can be ...


我可以購買一個連結到9 台以上裝置的授權嗎? 要購買超過9 台裝置的授權,請通過[email protected] 聯繫我們。 我該如何可用我的AdGuard 金鑰再包含一台裝置? 透過 ...


購買 保護所有您的裝置並安全地瀏覽網路! 每年 終身. 個人 高達3 台裝置. $2.49/月. 按年計費,可能需繳增值稅. 選擇訂閱方案. 家庭 高達9 台裝置. $5.49/月 $7.47/月.


AdGuard DNS 免費版是預設提供的免費訂閱。要使用它,請註冊以使用該服務。 其他訂閱是收費的。 AdGuard DNS 個人版足以供個人使用。 AdGuard DNS 團隊版可用於小型企業。您 ...


供應中評分4.8(559)AgoodopportunitytogetalifetimelicenseforAdguard,anadblockerthatactsasaVPN,preventingannoyingintrusionofadvertisements.,Basedonwhenyoumakethepurchase,youcanavailuptoa40%discountonyearlylicencesanda30%discountonalifetimepurchase.AdGuardalsooffersa ...,一款能封鎖瀏覽器裡的廣告並支持DNS過濾的廣告封鎖程式.了解更多AppStore...一款一次性付款的應用程式,具有已啟動的AdGuardiOS版高級功...