
Adobe Audition Course

The Adobe Audition Course aims for the student to know, use and become familiar with the application, in order to edit digital audio through multitrack wave ...

Adobe Podcast

Create high-quality podcasts and voiceovers that sound professional with Adobe Podcast. ... Adobe Podcast's AI makes voice recordings sound as if they were ...

Adobe Voice 說動PPT 簡報,免費故事化創意簡報App

2014年5月11日 — 而今天要介紹的這款iPad 免費App:「 Adobe Voice 」,便要把你的簡報變成一個創意、聚焦、生動的有聲故事。在這款Adobe 推出的免費編輯工具裡,結合聲音 ...

Audio recorder

Adobe Audition can record and mix live through your computer microphone and studio recording equipment or you can work with recorded tracks. Create live ...

Enhance Speech from Adobe

Clean up audio for free with Adobe Podcast AI. Enhance Speech makes voice recordings sound as if they were recorded in a professional podcasting studio. Hear a ...

[新App推介]Adobe創新好玩App “Voice”

2014年5月8日 — Adobe Voice 是個有趣的故事製作程式,讓你輕易製作一段故事影片。片段將你的聲音,加上配合的圖片、音樂和各種有趣特效。令故事更生動有趣,甚至感人。


Audition 是一套完善的工具集合(包括多音軌、波形和光譜顯示),可用於建立、混合、編輯及還原音訊內容。此強大的音訊工作站可加快視訊製作工作流程與音訊修整程序, ...


TheAdobeAuditionCourseaimsforthestudenttoknow,useandbecomefamiliarwiththeapplication,inordertoeditdigitalaudiothroughmultitrackwave ...,Createhigh-qualitypodcastsandvoiceoversthatsoundprofessionalwithAdobePodcast....AdobePodcast'sAImakesvoicerecordingssoundasiftheywere ...,2014年5月11日—而今天要介紹的這款iPad免費App:「AdobeVoice」,便要把你的簡報變成一個創意、聚焦、生動的有聲故事。在這款Adobe...