
Audition 免費下載和免費試用

免費取得Adobe Audition 完整版。使用功能完善的工具組合來混音、編輯及建立音訊內容。立即開始免費試用。

Adobe Podcast

AI-powered audio tools that elevate your voice. Create high-quality podcasts and voiceovers that sound professional with Adobe Podcast. Adobe - Adobe · Adobe Podcast FAQ · Enhance Speech v2 · Edit an audio file

Sound effects library - Free sound effects

Sound effects in Audition are tagged thoroughly so you can find what you need fast. Plus, you can group similar styles together and download them all at once.


Audition 是一套完善的工具集合(包括多音軌、波形和光譜顯示),可用於建立、混合、編輯及還原音訊內容。此強大的音訊工作站可加快視訊製作工作流程與音訊修整程序,提供 ... Audition 免費下載和免費試用 · 音訊混音和母帶處理 · 雜訊抑制

Download Sound Effects

ADOBE AUDITION. Download Sound Effects. Adobe® Creative Cloud® software includes thousands of uncompressed, royalty-free audio sound effects.

Enhance Speech from Adobe

Clean up audio for free with Adobe Podcast AI. Enhance Speech makes voice recordings sound as if they were recorded in a professional podcasting studio. Mic Check Fix microphone... · Edit an audio file · Features

音效庫- 免費音效

Audition 永遠免版稅、完全未壓縮的音效檔案,可確保網路廣播和影片製作的清晰豐富音效。 Easily locate your favorite sound effects in Adobe Audition. 總是輕鬆找到音效.

