Adobe AI Audio Enhancer

AdobeAudition能透過您的電腦麥克風或工作室錄音設備,進行現場錄音及混音,您也可以處理已錄製好的音軌。製作現場旁白、編輯並強化音效,或動態混合多個音軌。更多資訊 ...,Record,transcribe,andeditforfree–streamlineyourworkflowbyeditingyouraudiolikeadocume...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Adobe Audition 能透過您的電腦麥克風或工作室錄音設備,進行現場錄音及混音,您也可以處理已錄製好的音軌。製作現場旁白、編輯並強化音效,或動態混合多個音軌。 更多資訊 ...

Edit an audio file

Record, transcribe, and edit for free – streamline your workflow by editing your audio like a document. Perfect for podcasters and content creators.

Adobe Podcast

AI-powered audio tools that elevate your voice. Create high-quality podcasts and voiceovers that sound professional with Adobe Podcast. Adobe - Adobe · Adobe Podcast FAQ · Enhance Speech v2 · Edit an audio file

Enhance Speech from Adobe

Clean up audio for free with Adobe Podcast AI. Enhance Speech makes voice recordings sound as if they were recorded in a professional podcasting studio. Mic Check Fix microphone... · Edit an audio file · Features


Audition 是一套完善的工具集合(包括多音軌、波形和光譜顯示),可用於建立、混合、編輯及還原音訊內容。此強大的音訊工作站可加快視訊製作工作流程與音訊修整程序,提供 ... Audition 免費下載和免費試用 · 音訊混音和母帶處理 · 雜訊抑制

AI Voiceover

Easily add an AI voiceover in the style, accent, and dialect of your choice to your designs with the WellSaid AI voiceover add-on in Adobe Express.

Adobe Voice – Show your story

「Adobe Voice 」結合聲音、音樂,以及精美的版面、圖示、動畫素材,除了可以自行拍照圖片放入外,內建也提供免費音樂、小圖片,讓使用者自由組合,在非常簡單的流程裡,只要 ...

Adobe釋出可自動製作動態影片的免費工具Voice for iPad

Adobe Voice是以聲音為主角,使用者可先選擇主題或故事型態,錄下所要敘述的內容,再選擇所要嵌入的圖示、照片或文字,然後就能結合配樂與電影效果打造出像是 ...

Turn Text to Speech

Transform your text into a compelling voiceover for any video project, ad, or social post quickly and easily. Choose from hundreds of voice styles and ...

— Adobe Voice

Made with Adobe Voice. Create stunning animated videos in minutes. Get Adobe Voice. © Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Terms of Service Privacy ...


AdobeAudition能透過您的電腦麥克風或工作室錄音設備,進行現場錄音及混音,您也可以處理已錄製好的音軌。製作現場旁白、編輯並強化音效,或動態混合多個音軌。更多資訊 ...,Record,transcribe,andeditforfree–streamlineyourworkflowbyeditingyouraudiolikeadocument.Perfectforpodcastersandcontentcreators.,AI-poweredaudiotoolsthatelevateyourvoice.Createhigh-qualitypodcastsandvoiceoversthatsoundprofessionalwithAd...