
Solved: .TIF Files - Adobe Community

You can get transparency from the alpha very easily once open in Photoshop: 1. open your tiff 2. channels panel - Ctrl click on the alpha thumbnail.

Supported file formats in After Effects

This document lists the file formats that Adobe After Effects can import and export. Installing a third-party plug-in can add support for additional file ...


先检查一下TIFF格式在文件夹里是不是透明的,如果是,进入AE合成区,检查一下背景的颜色是不是设定成黑色的了,如果无法判断就换成无。检查一下合成是否关闭了状态,如果一直在 ...


两种情况,一种是设置的工程文件里不支持α通道的bit选择,另一种是TIF的通道丢失,重新做一下图片,然后选择好合适的bit输出. 2022-10-27 评论. 查看更多评论. 相关问题.


... tiff檔也是個不壓縮格式但卻無z depath,如果您是在cs4版本可以考慮在premiere中直接導入AE檔當素材,再進行render就不用這麼麻煩也可影音同步 [ 本帖 ...

tif shown bad in adobe programs : rAfterEffects

It kind of looks like After effects is mistaking the encoding of the tiffs. Could be a metadata problem, or a problem within Adobe, that's why I ...

How to Export a Frame (.psd, .tif, .jpg, .png) from After Effects in ...

it you'll learn how to take a frame in After Effects and export a JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png), PSD (.psd), or TIFF (.tif). And you will learn how

How to Import an Image Sequence into After Effects

... After Effects. You can import a Photoshop Sequence (.psd), JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png), and TIFF (.tif) sequences into AE. Here's a super quick ...


Adobe After Effects · After Effects 特效 · 视频后期. AE如何导入TIFF格式的素材? 查看问题描述​. 关注问题 写回答. ​ 邀请回答. ​ 好问题. ​.


YoucangettransparencyfromthealphaveryeasilyonceopeninPhotoshop:1.openyourtiff2.channelspanel-Ctrlclickonthealphathumbnail.,ThisdocumentliststhefileformatsthatAdobeAfterEffectscanimportandexport.Installingathird-partyplug-incanaddsupportforadditionalfile ...,先检查一下TIFF格式在文件夹里是不是透明的,如果是,进入AE合成区,检查一下背景的颜色是不是设定成黑色的了,如果无法判断就换成无。检查一下合成...