
Tools for developers to get started

Start building with Google AI. Gemini Api, Gemini Api, Google AI Studio, The fastest way to get access to and build with Google's most capable AI models.

11 ways Google AI can help educators and students in 2025

Google is making AI tools for teachers and students. These tools can help with things like writing, learning, and even making videos. They're ...

Machine Learning & AI Courses

Take machine learning & AI classes with Google experts. Grow your ML skills with interactive labs. Deploy the latest AI technology. Start learning!

Using AI Tools in the Classroom

Discover the potential of Google AI in education. Explore resources, examples, and tools for integrating AI into learning and teaching experiences.

Advancing Education Using Google AI

AI can help educators boost their creativity and productivity, giving them time back to invest in themselves and their students.

AI in Education

This group is for sharing resources and information related to the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning.

Generative AI for Educators

Learn AI skills with Google Generative AI for Educators. Save time, personalize instruction, and enhance lessons, no previous experience required.

Growth Academy: AI for Education

A three-month program providing education startups leveraging AI with essential growth skills, internationalization strategies, and Google tools to help them ...


,StartbuildingwithGoogleAI.GeminiApi,GeminiApi,GoogleAIStudio,ThefastestwaytogetaccesstoandbuildwithGoogle'smostcapableAImodels.,GoogleismakingAItoolsforteachersandstudents.Thesetoolscanhelpwiththingslikewriting,learning,andevenmakingvideos.They're ...,Takemachinelearning&AIclasseswithGoogleexperts.GrowyourMLskillswithinteractivelabs.DeploythelatestAItechnology.Startlearning!,Discoverthepo...