Is it worth it to install Asus AI Suite 3 and Asus Armory Crete?



ASUS AI Suite Alternatives and Similar Software

2020年6月17日 — The best ASUS AI Suite alternatives are SpeedFan and FanControl by Rem0o. There are 2 alternatives to ASUS AI Suite on AlternativeTo.

Alternative to ASUS AI Suite

2018年6月2日 — You could try speedfan. It's free, JayzTwoCents did a good tutorial on it if you need help. The other option might be Argus Monitor which is not ...

Armoury Crate vs or and AI Suite 3

Armoury Crate is the newer SW and all functions of AI Suite 3 are contained in Armoury Crate making AI Suite 3 not needed.

Alternatives to AI Suite for monitoring and fan control?

I use the BIOS Q-fan control to set the curve for my CPU and case fans. Monitoring sensors (GPU and CPU) is taking care of by MSI Afterburner.

Is there a alternative to AI Suite 3?

If you're using an Amd processor, there is Amd Ryzen Master for the cpu side. If you're using an Amd gpu, there is Amd WattMan, that is built into Amd Radeon.


2020年8月23日 — I have a Z97 PRO MB. With every windows 10 update, my AI SUITE III got broken. I have never used such a buggy app in my life.

ASUS AI Suite 3 & other ASUS software..

2023年12月6日 — Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility, Front Base Driver, Lighting Control, GameFirst IV, RAMCACHE, KeyBot II, ROG Connect Plus, PC Diagnostics Utility,

Best ASUS AI Suite Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

2024年8月29日 — We have listed more than 10 alternatives to ASUS AI Suite. You can find them below. The top competitors are: NZXT CAM, Real Temp, and HWiNFO.


2020年6月17日—ThebestASUSAISuitealternativesareSpeedFanandFanControlbyRem0o.Thereare2alternativestoASUSAISuiteonAlternativeTo.,2018年6月2日—Youcouldtryspeedfan.It'sfree,JayzTwoCentsdidagoodtutorialonitifyouneedhelp.TheotheroptionmightbeArgusMonitorwhichisnot ...,ArmouryCrateisthenewerSWandallfunctionsofAISuite3arecontainedinArmouryCratemakingAISuite3notneeded.,IusetheBIOSQ-fancontroltosetthecu...