My Favorite Email App (AirMail)-

AirMailisamobile-firstdigitalweeklythatunfoldslikethebetterweekendeditionsofyourfavoritenewspapers.AirMailisdeliveredtosubscribers' ...,AirmailisanemailclientdesignedwithperformanceandintuitiveinteractioninmindoptimizedformacOSandiOS!SupportforiC...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Air Mail

Air Mail is a mobile-first digital weekly that unfolds like the better weekend editions of your favorite newspapers. Air Mail is delivered to subscribers' ...


Airmail is an email client designed with performance and intuitive interaction in mind optimized for macOS and iOS! Support for iCloud™, MS Exchange, ...

Airmail (email client)

Airmail is an email client for iPhone and macOS by Italian company Bloop SRL. It was based originally on the Sparrow client.


Airmail is designed from the ground up to be a powerful mail client which allows you to customize it to meet your needs. Integrate your favorite apps, and ...


Airmail is a powerful mail client for Mac, now available for iPhone and iPad. Designed for the latest generation iOS, it supports 3D Touch ...

Frequently Asked Questions

We do not currently have an AIR MAIL app. Our content is Web-based and can be accessed by clicking through the e-mails sent to your in-box or by visiting our ...

[MAC] macOS 知名郵件軟體推出新版本

2020年2月14日 — Airmail 4 除了使用介面重新打造外,也加入了不少的新功能,並且維持著和舊版本類似卻更流暢的操作體驗。不過,我想大家最先注意到的應該是軟體改成訂閱制 ...

在App Store 上的「Airmail

Airmail is a powerful mail client for Mac, now available for iPhone and iPad. Designed for the latest generation iOS, it supports 3D Touch ...


Airmail - Lightning Fast Mail Client for Mac and iOS.


AirMailisamobile-firstdigitalweeklythatunfoldslikethebetterweekendeditionsofyourfavoritenewspapers.AirMailisdeliveredtosubscribers' ...,AirmailisanemailclientdesignedwithperformanceandintuitiveinteractioninmindoptimizedformacOSandiOS!SupportforiCloud™,MSExchange, ...,AirmailisanemailclientforiPhoneandmacOSbyItaliancompanyBloopSRL.ItwasbasedoriginallyontheSparrowclient.,Airmailisdesignedfromthe...