Airphil Express A320 Landing in Cotabato



Airphil Express history from Philippines, Rest of World

Airphil Express had a code 2P : GAP operating in Philippines, Rest of World. Currently dated as 2010 - 2013 with a current status of Renamed / merged.

PAL Express

Air Philippines Corporation, operating as PAL Express and formerly branded as Air Philippines and Airphil Express, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Philippine ...


菲律賓航空快運曾一度於2010年更名為「Airphil Express」,不過在2013年又恢復為原先的PAL Express。 菲律賓航空快運目前以空中巴士A320、A321為主力,另有龐巴迪 ...

Airphil Express | Book Flights Online & Save

Airphil Express was a low-cost airline that was based in Pasay City, Philippines. It was established in 1995 under the name 'Air Philippines', then rebranded to ...

經過40多天的交涉,AirPhil Express終於肯退我錢了!!

[廉價航空]因為,訂了亞航的國際段便宜機票,因此又訂了AirPhil Express的國內段機票,目標是愛尼島,誰知被擺了一道~~AirPhil Express於2月中通知:We ...

菲航快運(英語:PAL Express)是一間以菲律賓馬尼拉帕賽市為總部 ...

8 天前 · 菲航快運(英語:PAL Express)是一間以菲律賓馬尼拉帕賽市為總部的廉價 航空公司,廣泛地營運來往馬尼拉及宿霧的國內航線, 以馬尼拉艾奎諾國際機場為樞紐, ... Philippine Airlines

Gift a flight with Dear PAL e-Cards! Use your credit card or convert your Mabuhay Miles to purchase. Buy Now. Where to fly next? Book Flights Today · Flights · News and Events · Cebu-Catarman and more...

Airphil Express Fleet Details and History

Airphil Express (IATA: 2P / ICAO: GAP) was an airline based in Manila, Philippines operating from 2010 to 2013.


菲航快運(英語:PAL Express)是一間以菲律賓馬尼拉帕賽市為總部的廉價航空公司,廣泛地營運來往馬尼拉及宿霧的國內航線,以馬尼拉艾奎諾國際機場為樞紐,前身為菲鷹 ...


AirphilExpresshadacode2P:GAPoperatinginPhilippines,RestofWorld.Currentlydatedas2010-2013withacurrentstatusofRenamed/merged.,AirPhilippinesCorporation,operatingasPALExpressandformerlybrandedasAirPhilippinesandAirphilExpress,isawholly-ownedsubsidiaryofPhilippine ...,菲律賓航空快運曾一度於2010年更名為「AirphilExpress」,不過在2013年又恢復為原先的PALExpress。菲律賓航空快運目前以空中巴士A320、A321...