Cutting out alcohol for Dry January

Alcohol52%-EmulateCDs&DVDs-FreeVersionand15daytrial.Alcohol120%.ThisCD&DVDemulationsoftwarecancreateupto31virtualCD/DVD-ROMdrives, ...,NotebookusersandPCGameplayerswouldbenifitthemostfromAlcohol52%Supports25pluslanguagesCanhandleupto31virtualCDDV...。參考影片的文章的如下:


CD and DVD burning Software Alcohol Software

Alcohol 52% - Emulate CDs & DVDs - Free Version and 15 day trial. Alcohol 120%. This CD & DVD emulation software can create up to 31 virtual CD/DVD-ROM drives, ...

Alcohol 52% Free Edition

Notebook users and PC Game players would benifit the most from Alcohol 52% Supports 25 plus languages Can handle up to 31 virtual CD DVD-ROM drives, all at once ...

Alcohol 52% For Windows

Download Alcohol 52% for Windows for free. Exact virtual drives on your HD DVDs and CDs. Alcohol 52% is an amazing program for creating ...

Alcohol 52% 1.9 Download (Free trial)

Alcohol 52% version 1.9 (Alcohol.exe). Emulation software allowing users to play CDs & DVDs without the need for the physical disc.

Alcohol 52% Free Edition : 軟體王2025

不包含光碟燒錄功能但可以讓您虛擬模擬出CD/DVD 光碟機,最多可虛擬31部的CD/DVD 光碟機。 Alcohol 52% Free Edition; 軟體版本:; 軟體分類: 33光碟相關 ...

Alcohol 52% Free version

Alcohol Soft Portable just released today. Completely free and no 3rd party add-ons during install. ...

[酒精] Alcohol 52% 免費版,老牌的虛擬光碟軟體

Alcohol 52% Free Edition 是一款免費的虛擬光碟工具,它與知名的燒錄軟體Alcohol 120%是同一家廠商所出品,所以品質上當然也有一定的保障。

Alcohol 52% : 軟體王2025

中 Portable Apps 22.0. ... Alcohol 120% Free Edition一套具有光碟燒錄與虛擬光碟功能的軟體,可以製作及燒錄光碟映像檔。 免費. Alcohol 52% ...

Alcohol 52% Free 2.1.1 Build 2201

評分 4.1 (171) Alcohol 52% is a tool that can surely help you manage your disc images. Now, you won't have to load your disc from your physical drive every time you need them.

Alcohol 52% Free Edition for Windows

Alcohol 52% Free Edition is a free version of the popular CD/DVD drive emulator with which you can easily create disc images and load them into virtual drives.


Alcohol52%-EmulateCDs&DVDs-FreeVersionand15daytrial.Alcohol120%.ThisCD&DVDemulationsoftwarecancreateupto31virtualCD/DVD-ROMdrives, ...,NotebookusersandPCGameplayerswouldbenifitthemostfromAlcohol52%Supports25pluslanguagesCanhandleupto31virtualCDDVD-ROMdrives,allatonce ...,DownloadAlcohol52%forWindowsforfree.ExactvirtualdrivesonyourHDDVDsandCDs.Alcohol52%isanamazingprogramforcreating ......