
Courses | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

The Excitebike Arena, The Legend of Zelda course and more! Never in the series · Mario Circuit · Toad Harbor · Twisted Mansion · Shy Guy Falls.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Unlockables Guide

2023年7月25日 — Donkey Kong, Metal Mario, Pink Gold Peach, Rosalina, Roy Koopa, Waluigi, Link, King Boo, Mii. Very Heavy. Bowser, Wario, Morton, Dry Bowser, Mii ...

Mario Kart 8 best karts and characters and weight classes

2024年1月16日 — Mario Kart 8 characters and weight classes ; Medium Heavy, Luigi ; Medium Heavy, Ludwig von Koopa ; Medium Heavy, Iggy Koopa ; Heavy, Donkey Kong.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a racing game in the Mario Kart series released worldwide for the Nintendo Switch on April 28, 2017.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has 48 Tracks in the Base Game and 48 Tracks in the Booster Course Pass DLC, totaling to 96 Courses. New Cups. MK8 MushroomCup. Mushroom Cup.

Vehicles and Customization

2014年5月29日 — There are three known categories for vehicles in Mario Kart 8: the Karts, the Bikes, and the new ATV. Each vehicle can be combined with Wheels and a Glider.

VehiclesCars list for Mario Kart 8

Playable Vehicles: 1970 Daihatsu Fellow Buggy, Tanooki Kart lock get_app, 2010 Ducati Hypermotard Standard Bike, 2012 Harley-Davidson XR 1200 X Flame Rider ...

Items | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

This is the Items page of the Nintendo Switch game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ... Shoots ink at all karts in front of you, obscuring their vision for a while.


TheExcitebikeArena,TheLegendofZeldacourseandmore!Neverintheseries·MarioCircuit·ToadHarbor·TwistedMansion·ShyGuyFalls.,2023年7月25日—DonkeyKong,MetalMario,PinkGoldPeach,Rosalina,RoyKoopa,Waluigi,Link,KingBoo,Mii.VeryHeavy.Bowser,Wario,Morton,DryBowser,Mii ...,2024年1月16日—MarioKart8charactersandweightclasses;MediumHeavy,Luigi;MediumHeavy,LudwigvonKoopa;MediumHeavy,IggyKoopa;Heavy,DonkeyKong.,M...