Come accedere allo store windows 10 senza un account microsoft

Compatiblewith3CXTM,ElastixTM,AsteriskTM,TrixboxTM,FreePBXTM,FreeSwitchTMandothers·Windows/Linuxcompatible(allversions)·Onboard128mshardware ...,Fastandreliablevideochat,desktopnotifications,andmore!LaunchALLOrightfromyourdockortaskbar.,Collectvi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Analog Active Card

Compatible with 3CXTM, ElastixTM, AsteriskTM, TrixboxTM, FreePBXTM, FreeSwitchTM and others · Windows/Linux compatible (all versions) · On board 128ms hardware ...


Fast and reliable video chat, desktop notifications, and more! Launch ALLO right from your dock or taskbar.


Collect videos, images, websites, and documents, and organize them effortlessly. With ALLO, managing and sharing your resources is simple.

ALLO (formerly BeeCanvas)

ALLO: The AI-Powered Visual Workspace for Creators Unleash your creativity ... Windows 10 版本14316.0 或更高版本. 記憶體: 2 GB (最小值), 未指定(建議使用).

Allo - Mac、Windows (PC) 版傳統型應用程式

Allo 是一個多功能通訊平台,旨在透過一系列特性和功能增強用戶互動。雖然沒有提供有關Allo 功能的具體細節,但通訊應用程式通常提供訊息傳遞、語音和視訊通話以及檔案 ...

Allo - Desktop App for Mac, Windows (PC)

Run apps in distraction-free windows with many enhancements. Manage and switch between multiple accounts and apps easily without switching browsers.

ALLO for PC Windows Download

- Interactive Whiteboard Canvas: ALLO provides a dynamic whiteboard that fosters real-time collaboration for brainstorming and design tasks.


Google於本周二(9/20) 正式釋出了支援Android與iOS平台的智慧型傳訊程式Google Allo,它提供了智慧型回覆功能、塗鴉功能、貼紙、 可切換文字或符號尺寸 ...

ALLO (formerly BeeCanvas) - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

ALLO: The Intuitive Visual Workspace for Creators Unlock your creativity and ... Windows 10 版本14316.0 或更高版本. 記憶體: 2 GB (最小值), 未指定(建議 ...


Compatiblewith3CXTM,ElastixTM,AsteriskTM,TrixboxTM,FreePBXTM,FreeSwitchTMandothers·Windows/Linuxcompatible(allversions)·Onboard128mshardware ...,Fastandreliablevideochat,desktopnotifications,andmore!LaunchALLOrightfromyourdockortaskbar.,Collectvideos,images,websites,anddocuments,andorganizethemeffortlessly.WithALLO,managingandsharingyourresourcesissimple.,ALLO:TheAI-PoweredVisualWorkspaceforCr...