
Samsung Always On Application Not Avaiable For Note 5?

Well guess what? There is an app from the Google play store that you can download and have Always On Display in your Note5!!! It works..

Samsung Always On Display for Android

評分 4.5 (39) · 免費 · Android Samsung Always On Display is a truly useful tool for Samsung users that lets you check important information on your smartphone without having to unlock it.

note5可以用always on display嗎

請問各位大大note5想要用AOD可以去下載NOTE7或是三星其他手機的APK來用嗎? 我去下載NOTE7 AOD的APK來用他顯示 note5可以用always on display嗎.

Why is my Redmi Note 5 Pro not supporting always on display ...

1. Just open settings and navigate to About Phone. · 2. Click on System Update. · 3. Click on Check for Updates button at the bottom. · 4.

如何在Galaxy 手機上開啟Always On Display

開啟永遠顯示 · 1 由上往下滑動以開啟通知面板。 · 2 點選【 Always On Display】關閉。 · 3 如果找不到【Always On Display】,請點選【 】並將【Always On ...

設定: Always On Display (AOD) 是什麼?應如何啟用?

Always On Display(或AOD)可於特定三星智慧型手機上使用。 AOD 可讓使用者自訂顯示資訊,包含時間、日期、電池狀態、通知等等。

Always on like display for Note 5 and S6!

This is a quick video on the app AcDisplay. It's in the play store and it's free!. it's pretty good app so check out the video and see if ...


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Galaxy Note 5 Always On Display (Awesome ROM)

This ROM has everything as we needed :good:...... :angel: Special Features :angel: *Always On Display *Edge lighting *Night clock *Battery awesome ;)

Always On Display [AOD] Development progress [Discussion]

Hello everyone, now lets discuss about AOD service which is currently available on Note 7, S7 Edge and S7 can be ported to our Note 5, ...

