
Notifications on always on display

1. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Always On Display. 2. Turn Always-On display off or on. You can also turn Show Wallpaper and Show ...

WhatsApp checking messages notification Always on display

I have a S21 FE. I configured the always on display to show notifications for new messages. This works fine. Except for WhatsApp.

How to manage your notifications

To turn lock screen notifications on or off: Go to your phone's Settings > Notifications > Notifications on lockscreen. Select one of the following options:. How to mute or unmute... · Manage conversation tones · How to manage channel

AOA: Always on Display

評分 4.3 (82,498) · 免費 · Android AOA is a ground breaking always on display which allows you to interact with notifications, view time/date, weather forecast, control your music, ...

Missing WhatsApp notifications on lockscreen and always on after ...

As the title says, my WhatsApp notifications on the lockscreen and always on display dissappeared after updating to Android 14 beta.

WhatsApp notification icon not showing anymore on AOD

The WhatsApp icon has disappeared but instead I get a temporary bubble at the top of the screen that gives me a preview of the message and then disappears.

How to use Always On Display

Always On Display is a feature that keeps you connected by letting you view notifications in screen off mode without touching your smartphone.

Always On Display - How to get WhatsApp notifications?

Settings/Lockscreen/AOD/Notifications and select whatsapp. Then settings/smart motion/smart turn on/off screen / raise to wake. Click to expand ...

Always on Display & Whatsapp

I just read that the always on display so far shows only text, Email and missed calls. I'm owning a moto x and the active display is one of ...

Notifications on Always On Display not working

Just flashed the Xiaomi.eu ROM yesterday on my new mi8 SE and the notifications for whatsapp don't seem to show in the AOD display.


1.GotoSettings>Display&Brightness>AlwaysOnDisplay.2.TurnAlways-Ondisplayofforon.YoucanalsoturnShowWallpaperandShow ...,IhaveaS21FE.Iconfiguredthealwaysondisplaytoshownotificationsfornewmessages.Thisworksfine.ExceptforWhatsApp.,Toturnlockscreennotificationsonoroff:Gotoyourphone'sSettings>Notifications>Notificationsonlockscreen.Selectoneofthefollowingoptions:.Howtomuteorunmute......