
2) When will the change happen? The new 100 GB storage ...

Yes. Prime members will continue to get free unlimited, full-resolution photo storage as a benefit of their membership, as well as 5 GB of additional storage ...

Amazon Photos

As a Prime member, you get unlimited photo storage and 5 GB for video. Looking for more video storage? Storage plans start at $1.99/month. What happens to my ...

Amazon Photos Still Has Free, Unlimited Storage

Prime members get unlimited full-resolution photo storage for free. Amazon Photos makes the most sense for Prime members, but non-subscribers can tap into ...

Amazon Photos Storage

Prime members get unlimited, full-resolution photo storage and 5 GB video storage. Need more storage? Plans start at 100 GB and go all the way up to 30 TB.

Amazon Photos

2023年11月8日 — Amazon Photos is one of the benefits included with Amazon Prime membership. Amazon Photos offers unlimited storage of all your photos, and up to ...

Unlimited photo storage

Prime members get unlimited full-resolution photo storage and 5 GB for video from Amazon Photos. Not a Prime member? Everyone gets 5 GB for photos and videos.

What is Amazon Photos and How Does it Work?

2024年3月18日 — As a Prime member, you receive 5 GB of video storage plus unlimited photo storage on Amazon Photos. You can use the service to securely backup ...

What is Amazon Photos?

Amazon Prime customers get unlimited full-resolution photo storage, plus 5 GB of video storage. All Amazon customers, without an Amazon Prime membership ...


Yes.Primememberswillcontinuetogetfreeunlimited,full-resolutionphotostorageasabenefitoftheirmembership,aswellas5GBofadditionalstorage ...,AsaPrimemember,yougetunlimitedphotostorageand5GBforvideo.Lookingformorevideostorage?Storageplansstartat$1.99/month.Whathappenstomy ...,Primemembersgetunlimitedfull-resolutionphotostorageforfree.AmazonPhotosmakesthemostsenseforPrimemembers,butnon-subscribersca...