Ambrosio Nemesis
Scopri il cerchio adatto alla tua bici, Ambrosio Nemesis: le immagini, i dettagli, la scheda tecnica e il profilo.
Ambrosio Nemesis Rim
供應中 Ambrosio Nemesis is a special tubular tire rim used by professional teams. Counterbalanced at the valve hole for smoother running performance. This is an ...
Ambrosio Nemesis
Ambrosio has new owners. The new owners are insisting that rim order per drilling is 500 rims. That unfortunatley puts the nemesis in ...
特價出清~AMBROSIO Nemesis 管胎版 原價3900。特價2250/1圈 規格28H e 32H孔 這30年來AMBROSIO最經典鋁圈 數量不多。需要就動作快。。。 ps。恕不寄送。
Ambrosio NEMESIS + EXTRALITE Hub 最棒的管胎鋁框+ EXTRALITE Hub 前28後28的配置 總重量只有:1430g Colnago 的最後一塊拼圖 #AMBROSIO #EXTRALITE.