This is an official repository for amCharts 4 - the most advanced JavaScript dataviz library ever. For a short overview of features, visit this page.
JavaScript charts and maps data-viz libraries for web, dashboards, and applications. Fast and flexible. React/Angular compatible. Since 2006. amCharts 5: Stock Chart · About amCharts · amCharts 5 demos · Violin Chart
Chart Demos
Looking for amCharts 4 demos? Column & Bar, Column with Rotated Labels, Simple Column Chart, 100% Stacked Column Chart, Clustered Column Chart, Columns with ... Pie Chart · Donut Chart · Stock Chart · Candlestick Chart
JavaScript charting library
The most innovative charting library on the market. Easily add stunning data visualizations to JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, and other apps.
amCharts 5
A powerful tool for financial analysis. Display any time-based data, complete with built-in annotations, indicators, comparison, and other goodies.
It allows users to TAB-through chart elements quickly without the need to TAB into each and every element. It's up to implementer of the charts to provide ...
Chart Types
This section contains a collection of introductory articles for each chart type. In each individual article we'll dissect a chart type, what it consists of, ...
Line Graph
Line graph (also known as Line chart) displays series of data points connected by straight line segments. Line graphs are often used to display time series ...
amCharts 4 Documentation
Welcome to documentation website for amCharts Version 4 - the latest installment in our data visualization libraries. Chart Cursor · Chart Types · Pie chart · Map chart