What is AHCI?

Thispackageinstallsthesoftware(AMDAHCIDriver)toenablethefollowingdevice.AMDSATAController.SummaryofChanges ...,AMDSerialATAController(AHCI),v.,A00.已自動安裝此檔案會在最近更新時自動安裝。如果您遇到任何問題,可以手動下載並重新安裝。,Gotot...。參考影片的文章的如下:


AMD AHCI Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit), 8.1 (64-bit), 8 (64

This package installs the software (AMD AHCI Driver) to enable the following device. AMD SATA Controller. Summary of Changes ...

AMD Serial ATA Controller (AHCI), v., A00

AMD Serial ATA Controller (AHCI), v., A00. 已自動安裝 此檔案會在最近更新時自動安裝。如果您遇到任何問題,可以手動下載並重新安裝。

How to install or update AMD SATA Controller ?

Go to the Standard SATA AHCI Controller to Properties and click on Update Driver. Direct it under search to the C:-AMD Chipset folder in the Root Directory.

Information About AMD SATA Controller Driver Compatibility with ...

AMD SATA AHCI drivers for AMD 6-Series, 7-Series, 8-Series, or 9-Series chipsets are included in the chipset driver package and is compatible only with desktop ...


Go to the Standard SATA AHCI Controller to Properties and click on Update Driver. Direct it under search to the C:-AMD Chipset folder in the Root Directory.

【問題】Windows10 安裝AMD Drivers and Software 後開機一開始不 ...

裝置管理員-> IDE ATA/ATAPI 控制器 · 把裡面三個: · AMD SATA Controller · Standard SATA AHCI Controller · 每個都選擇更新驅動程式.

【問題】請問zen3 sata驅動問題

右鍵更新驅動程式→瀏覽電腦上的驅動程式→C:-AMD [安裝AMD 驅動就會有這資料夾] 安裝完畢重開機后那兩個控制器會變爲AMD SATA Controller 然後速度會變快.

组装机没自动安装AMD AHCI导致经常鼠标卡住蓝屏死机

AMD AHCI(Advanced Host Controller Interface)是AMD公司为现代计算机硬件设计的一种串行ATA (SATA) 控制器接口标准,旨在提高硬盘的传输速度和系统性能。


請問使用AMD晶片的各位大大,小弟是使用780G的晶片,重灌作業系統之前的win7體驗指數硬碟分數為7.5,但是重灌之後安裝了AHCI驅動程式,在控制台中只有看到 ...


Thispackageinstallsthesoftware(AMDAHCIDriver)toenablethefollowingdevice.AMDSATAController.SummaryofChanges ...,AMDSerialATAController(AHCI),v.,A00.已自動安裝此檔案會在最近更新時自動安裝。如果您遇到任何問題,可以手動下載並重新安裝。,GototheStandardSATAAHCIControllertoPropertiesandclickonUpdateDriver.DirectitundersearchtotheC:-AMDChipsetfolderintheRootDirectory.,AMDSATAAHCIdriversforAMD...