Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition

《睡夢之中》是款以兩歲幼兒的第一人稱視角來呈現的恐怖冒險遊戲,玩家將要扮演這名幼兒,在半夜睡醒後發現媽媽不在身旁,進而開始帶著夥伴泰迪熊一同展開 ...,評分4.5(5,438)AmongtheSleepisanawardwinningfirstpersonhorroradventureinwhichyouplayasmallchildsea...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【TpGS 19】《睡夢之中Among the Sleep》加強版今年內登上NS ...

《睡夢之中》是款以兩歲幼兒的第一人稱視角來呈現的恐怖冒險遊戲,玩家將要扮演這名幼兒,在半夜睡醒後發現媽媽不在身旁,進而開始帶著夥伴泰迪熊一同展開 ...

Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition

評分 4.5 (5,438) Among the Sleep is an award winning first person horror adventure in which you play a small child searching for your mother after ominous sounds wake you up in ...

Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition - Nintendo Switch

評分 4.5 (750) In the enhanced edition of this award-winning first person horror adventure, players step into the pyjamas of a two year old child creeping through a dark and ...

Among the Sleep 2 已確認

Kreativt Europa MEDIA宣佈 了今年將資助的44款遊戲,挪威名單上的第一款實際上揭示了《睡眠之中》正在製作續集。因為第一個條目表明磷蝦比特正在收到150 ...

Among the Sleep 2 confirmed

Among the Sleep is getting a sequel. Because the first entry states Krillbite is receiving € 150 000 to develop Among the Sleep 2.

Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition - Launch Trailer

Watch the overview of new features and content in the enhanced edition of this horror adventure in which you assume the role of a two year old child.

Among the sleep 2 trailer

The game of the movie among the sleep, will come soon. #amongthesleep #movieteaser.

Among the Sleep - Gameplay Teaser #2

Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play a two year old child. It has a planned release this spring, ...

BABY in Haunted Garden - Among the Sleep #2

In today's video we will be playing Among the sleep in which we are a baby and we are alone in the house. This is a horror game in hindi.

Among the Sleep launch trailer

Among the Sleep is a first-person horror game in which you play as a two year old child. Explore the darkness and find out what is really ...


《睡夢之中》是款以兩歲幼兒的第一人稱視角來呈現的恐怖冒險遊戲,玩家將要扮演這名幼兒,在半夜睡醒後發現媽媽不在身旁,進而開始帶著夥伴泰迪熊一同展開 ...,評分4.5(5,438)AmongtheSleepisanawardwinningfirstpersonhorroradventureinwhichyouplayasmallchildsearchingforyourmotherafterominoussoundswakeyouupin ...,評分4.5(750)Intheenhancededitionofthisaward-winningfirstpersonhorroradventure,playersstepintothep...