André Marie Ampère Biography



André-Marie Ampère

Ampère is one of the principal architects of the theory of electromagnetism. He was the son of a prosperous businessman who was called into government service.

André-Marie Ampère

André-Marie Ampère was a French physicist and mathematician who was one of the founders of the science of classical electromagnetism, which he referred to ...

André-Marie Ampère - Biography

André-Marie Ampère made important contributions to the theory of Electricity and magnetism. His theory became fundamental for 19th century developments.

André-Marie Ampère - Magnet Academy

André-Marie Ampère was the first scientist to attempt to theoretically explain and mathematically describe the phenomenon.

André-Marie Ampère

André-Marie Ampère (20 January 1775 – 10 June 1836) was a French physicist or a mathematician who helped discover electromagnetism.

Andre Marie Ampere

Andre Marie Ampere was a physicist who was born in France. He is the founder of electrodynamics. He was a distinguished mathematician and was involved in other ...

André Marie Ampère and his contribution to electromagnetism

André Marie Ampère, (born Jan. 22, 1775, Lyon, France—died June 10, 1836, Marseille), French physicist, founder of the science of electromagnetism.

André-Marie Ampère | Biography, Books, Inventions ...

André-Marie Ampère (1775–1836) was a French physicist who founded and named the science of electrodynamics, now known as electromagnetism.

André-Marie Ampère

André-Marie Ampère (1775-1836), was a French physicist, natural philosopher, and mathematician who is best known for his important contributions to the ...

André Marie Ampere, 1775–1836

ANDRÉ MARIE AMPÈRE was born in Lyons on January 20, 1775, and died at Marseilles on June 7, 1836. His early childhood was spent in the country near his ...


Ampèreisoneoftheprincipalarchitectsofthetheoryofelectromagnetism.Hewasthesonofaprosperousbusinessmanwhowascalledintogovernmentservice.,André-MarieAmpèrewasaFrenchphysicistandmathematicianwhowasoneofthefoundersofthescienceofclassicalelectromagnetism,whichhereferredto ...,André-MarieAmpèremadeimportantcontributionstothetheoryofElectricityandmagnetism.Histheorybecamefundamentalfor19thcenturydevel...