Android Auto How To - Voice Commands, Apps & More



5 Android Auto Voice Commands You Should Be Using

2023年8月21日 — Instead of having to fumble with the radio, manually answer phone calls, or even send messages, the Android Auto voice commands make things very simple.

App Actions for Cars

2024年6月10日 — With App Actions for car apps, drivers can use Google Assistant to control Android apps on their infotainment system by saying things like, Hey Google, find ...

Eyes on the Road

Common voice commands include “call [name from Contacts],” “send message to [Contact],” or just “send message.” Texts get read aloud, and when you get a phone ...

How to Control Android Auto or Apple CarPlay With Your ...

2024年8月3日 — By using your voice to interact with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, you can get directions, look up information, and control media playback ...

How to Fix the Broken Voice Commands on Android Auto

2023年8月25日 — The main reason for voice commands not working correctly on Android Auto is a bad update. It sounds terrible for the overall Android Auto reliability.

Talk to Google

To control Android Auto in compatible cars, you can talk to Google. Simply follow these steps: Choose one of three ways to start: Say "Hey Google", press and hold the voice command button on your steering wheel, or select the microphone . Wait u

What Are the Best Android Auto Voice Commands Worth Using?

2024年8月7日 — Android Auto voice commands let you control your phone hands-free while driving. You can make calls, send texts, get directions, and more using just your voice.


2023年8月21日—Insteadofhavingtofumblewiththeradio,manuallyanswerphonecalls,orevensendmessages,theAndroidAutovoicecommandsmakethingsverysimple.,2024年6月10日—WithAppActionsforcarapps,driverscanuseGoogleAssistanttocontrolAndroidappsontheirinfotainmentsystembysayingthingslike,HeyGoogle,find ...,Commonvoicecommandsinclude“call[namefromContacts],”“sendmessageto[Contact],”orjust“sendmessage.”Textsge...