
Apps like Viber, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc. whitelisted from Doze ...

I noticed that some applications are whitelisted from doze-mode on samsung devices without having ever asked the user.

adb shell dumpsys deviceidle whitelist 打盹模式(Doze)白名单原创

Android 6.0开始引入了 打盹模式(Doze) ,若想使自己的App不受打盹模式的影响( 推迟Alarm唤起时间 、 限制CPU调用 、 限制网络请求 等),需终端手机厂商 ...


(1)一般来说,手机厂商都会针对于user whitelist进行定制,根据业务需求添加不同应用进去。 (2)通过adb shell dumpsys deviceidle whitelist +/- pkgName ...

Optimize for Doze and App Standby | App quality

In Doze mode, the system attempts to conserve battery by restricting apps' access to network and CPU-intensive services. Understand Doze · Support for other use cases · Test with Doze and App Standby

How do I override Android Doze Mode?

You can add the MobiControl agent to the Doze mode whitelist, which will allow it to ignore any doze mode restrictions on constant connectivity.


Users can manually configure the whitelist in Settings > Battery > Battery Optimization . Alternatively, the system provides ways for apps to ...

Android Battery Optimization for Avoiding Doze Mode and App ...

An app that is whitelisted can use the network and hold partial wake locks during Doze and App Standby. However, other restrictions like jobs ...

Platform power management with Doze

Doze extends battery life by deferring app background CPU and network activity when a device is unused for long periods.

Doze Mode, Battery Optimization whitelist, AlarmManager more ...

Apps available in whitelist are partially exempt from Doze and App Standby optimizations. ... Alarm Manager issue in Android 6.0 Doze mode · 0.

How to WhiteList app in Doze mode Android 6.0

I'd like to find a way to add my application programmatically without user interaction to the white list app list which exists in the device in battery ...


Inoticedthatsomeapplicationsarewhitelistedfromdoze-modeonsamsungdeviceswithouthavingeveraskedtheuser.,Android6.0开始引入了打盹模式(Doze),若想使自己的App不受打盹模式的影响(推迟Alarm唤起时间、限制CPU调用、限制网络请求等),需终端手机厂商 ...,(1)一般来说,手机厂商都会针对于userwhitelist进行定制,根据业务需求添加不同应用进去。(2)通过adbshelldumpsysdeviceidlewhitelist+/-pkgName ...,InDozemode...